What do you want to be when you grow up, and where are you now? Parents support?

thi's a interesting topic. i wanna be a eng/lit teacher by day and rollin metal screamo rocker at night. and i've already accomplished the 2nd task.hahs!
biz course? i don't believe business in itself is a discipline. business is an entity. and it's ironic because you are talking about the safest BROAD course, when the safest courses are those that are specialised, because one would think that a job would be easier to find if you already know where you're going. but that's another topic for discussion

i dream of living in a suburban village close to nature. i will quit modern living. how fast i can achieve this depends on how well i do in my career. the textbook model lifestyle in this country does not coincide with the values i hold as a person. it's a personal choice, it is what i feel i need to do to validate my existence, and no government elite can tell me that it is wrong. because at the end of the day, i take full ownership of my own survival, and full liability for the decisions i make.

and there will be alot of naysayers out there. ready to criticise the decisions i make, yet themselves live in dissatisfaction, yet don't have the balls to bust a move
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Heya, studying in SP I assume? =P TP's Game and Entertainment year 3 here.

Even though the school screwed up the course, I'm still pretty much passionate about game development. For now, I duno if I'm good at programming or art(3D and photoshop) now >_> So yeah. On the way, be a musician! WOOOO!
i wanna be a rocker that inspires when i grow up. im at home now. ok shit, im a student.

parents support as in parents still pay for u that type or parent support ur ambition? parents dont know what i wanna be since i told them i wanna be a businessman long time ago, maybe they still think i wanna be a businessman. if they know, im sure they support. they have always supported me in every(legal and morally acceptable) thing that i want. lucky me. if talking about parents support as in pay for me that type? yeah but i work part time for extra money(GAS!!)
i guess most of us here have dreams of being able to play music for a living i suppose including me,

still a student though so yea its gonna be way way long for me, well my parents support me playing music since it keeps me away from trouble(maybe) and i'm very grateful for them on getting my first bass (laughs)
1st choice is definitely being a comedian for me or getting involved in the comedy industry! RUSSELL PETERS FTW! And if that dream fails, i'll just be a hand model. People say i have nice hands and pay is good. Slack somemore! Haha :D

Heya, studying in SP I assume? =P TP's Game and Entertainment year 3 here.

Even though the school screwed up the course, I'm still pretty much passionate about game development. For now, I duno if I'm good at programming or art(3D and photoshop) now >_> So yeah. On the way, be a musician! WOOOO!

Hey man I m studying at NYP sch of interactive and digital media,Digital Media Design course specializing in games design.My specialization don't program games,we do concept art,level design,game interfaces design and 3d models and environment of the game,in short all the art and design assets of a game.I will never do 3d no matter what because I don't like it and is NEVER good at it.
What do I wanna be when I grow up?
I wanna be, what I wanna be then.

Where am I now?
I'm studying, and being what I wanna be.

Parents support?
My parents support me in whatever I do.

There's no point thinking far and wishing or dreaming hard, instead of thinking ahead, think of now, and how you are enjoying life, before it's too late and you regret it in the future. It all eventually comes to death, thinking ahead, and hoping to be that person you wish to be when you grow up, is just asking time to pass faster, at the same time bringing death nearer, no? Take a moment to enjoy your current living life, whatever comes, be ready for it. It's gonna be a hell of a ride! And if you think far, dream big, just imagine what happens if it doesn't happen? Dreams and wishes are crushed, where do we go now? Where do we go now? Ooooh where do we gooo? Hehehe.

Just my 2 cents worth!

I always envy Gyneacolog doctor. Highly paid for legally poking v@ginas. Damn bast@rd.

you realise that you will see lots of diseased vaginas with pus and blood and scabs and other ailments?

damn turn off.

you get so desensitized that your wife or girlfriend will probably bore you.
Ideally, I wanna be a pilot, flying something like a B777.. It really fascinates me.

If not, I wanna work in aircraft maintenance. I want to work in the aircraft industry, basically. I am a hands-on-nuts-and-bolts guy.

Have not thought of music as career yet, but not writing it off too!