help with buying first electric guitar~ >.<

Oh yea, Schecter Hellraisers are great last I tried. Pretty consistant quality, but I wouldn't own one personally as I don't get the vibe with it. haha
Maybe a guitar with coil tapping feature would be good for you to explore the sounds you want.

learning2play, Schecters are great but where are you gonna get the Solo-6?
I want one too. xD
so guitar necks that dive cause discomfort. i do know that wearing the strap round your neck causes discomfort (thanks to hide's rumours, them saying he was trying to do a neck massage thingy..btw RIP.)...

so do neck dives add on to that discomfort? or guitars that don't neck dive don't stress your necks at all? (my second question seems less possible-.-)

Neck dive causes playing discomfort at least for me because the fretting hand has to constantly lift the neck up while playing. During long shows or jamming sessions it may stress that hand as it can be really tiring.

Strap wise, you can't escape. Long periods of slinging the guitar over your shoulder will cause fatigue and discomfort because of the guitar weight. Likewise, for long shows or jamming sessions, even worst. **Now give the bassists all over some credit~ The Bass is much heavier~!!**

my problem is not with the guitar being second-hand, it's cos if the guitar was from some absolute stranger who i have no clue who s/he is at all...then i will feel a little odd i don't know why :l but i am an odd person myself hehe^^ (meaning to say, if a friend were to give me his guitar meaning well, then it'll be like an honour to accept it..) this is completely illogical i know, but...ahh, i dono!!! *ends reply abruptly*

hahahaha.. reminds me of some anime character :-D
My acoustic cost me $540 and i already felt the pinch~ waiting for new year's guitar sale before getting myself an electric. Gotta keep an eye out when the shops are having a sale... usually mid-year and end of year.
i wish to declare right now physics is my WORST subject (ok second worse, chemistry is more *wtf* anyway point is my physics is really...booo!) so when i look at websites explaining coils and pickups and all that ac/dc wiring stuff i really catch no ball. the diagrams are, they don't like me at all >:
i know it's important but i seriously don't get anything. t__t.

what's awesome about coil tapping..?
(speak Stupid so i can understand please, lol. :D)

bryandt-WHAT ANIME CHARACTER?!?! o__o i'm a living....animate...human thingy...and i do not have rainbow coloured sparkly eyes the size of....uhm eggs..? ._.

monkeyvibrations - eh, u know, my friend bought a suzuki accoustic at davis, i played her before i think she's a rather fine went for $60, with a guitar bag(but those thin one uh), chord book, and tuning fork...
Some guitars that will be comfortable for lady players or those of smaller build would be those shaped like a Gibson doublecut, PRS or a telecaster style. Strats are good too of course. For Les Paul styles, you would probably want those with thinner bodies or internally chambered to reduce weight.

Somethings you just have to try out personally to know what you want.

You can find decent asian-made(china,indonesia,korea) guitars in those forms at very affordable prices.
Stop your Mio

Shit... people are lurking around me..... :shock:

But she reminds me of Yui.

anw, Coil Tapping is a procedure that makes a Humbucker on your guitar have single coil capability = more tonal versatility. That's all you need to know for now. :-D
i dont know who is yui. ohoh i know there's a yui who did the bleach song rolling star :D but she is not an anime character -.-

a Gibson doublecut, PRS or a telecaster style
eh. the first two builds look sexier too me. XD;; (just saying, i'll give some serious comment when i actually go down to try guitars.)

Coil Tapping is a procedure that makes a Humbucker on your guitar have single coil capability = more tonal versatility. That's all you need to know for now.
OMG YAY!! you spoke my language. *i catch balls*

/gives you a yui

thanks a lot guys ^^
eh~after evil O then i go see..
(i am doing everything after O lol)

thinline tele seems quite fine. (didn't do some indepth research though haha) what's the price tag on her?
I also am going to buy a guitar after O's! Except its a bass cause I got two guitars liao. Why dont you try a Yamaha. Like the RGX A2 is pretty light and has a unique tone due to some yamaha technology. Plus you can pretty much get any tone out of it. And it is awesomely stunning. Plus its not very expensive around 790 new.



By the way, I find girls who play electric rock guitar extremely sexy in a good way. So ROCK ON!
I've tried the Studio and the actual Les Pauls (Standard and Traditional). They are worlds apart. Trust me.

sorry dude. i beg to differ. i own a les paul studio and it holds its own against many many more expensive gibsons. standards imo are the let down bunch of gibson.
To the thread starter just a side note:

Earlier on a user mentioned that lespauls are meant for blues/rock please do not take this into account when u are choosing guitars. There are many metal bands out there of which their guitarists use lespauls.

What people dont really like about lespauls especially those with shorter fingers is the width of the neck and the body shape of not being able to reach the high frets easily.

Im a lespaul user myself and i play classic rock to a bit of metal so do not be swayed by the idea that some guitars are designed for certain music. I have seen BC riches being used to play blues.

To sum things up there is no such thing as a guitar designed for a particular genre. Its all in the fingers, the technique, the style, the feel, the tone.

Thank you. Happy choosing.
sorry dude. i beg to differ. i own a les paul studio and it holds its own against many many more expensive gibsons. standards imo are the let down bunch of gibson.


The standard is one of the most overpriced lespauls in the gibson line i feel.

Dont get me wrong there are wonderful standards out there but there are also crappy ones.

I own a gibson classic custom and an orville lespaul custom ( Heard of it? ).
Well i would say the orville costing 3x less than the gibson sounds as good as it.
It aint about the brand.

The standard is one of the most overpriced lespauls in the gibson line i feel.

Dont get me wrong there are wonderful standards out there but there are also crappy ones.

I own a gibson classic custom and an orville lespaul custom ( Heard of it? ).
Well i would say the orville costing 3x less than the gibson sounds as good as it.
It aint about the brand.


To dudelove, what superpotato said is what i actually wanted to say. :cool:
Maybe I've yet to try a really good LP Studio.

Then again, there are crappy full-fleged Gibbys as well~ Those I played were amazing.

standards imo are the let down bunch of gibson.

very harsh~
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Yea the Bass is intense for that song. I need full concentration when I play this song as of yet. Haven't got to practice it till its second nature. Its a really fun Bassline.

Btw, the person playing is a guy. Known as Tissue Hime. He's a celebrity on youtube due to his Bass playing skills.

ehh.. off topic.. haha... but for enrichment la
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