What made you choose the bass ?

First time i heard the bass i fell in love with the sound. I thought it was exotic.

Anyway Bass ain't easy. That's for sure.
hmm. . .i use to play lead guitar for my band. . . but during dat time, our bassist like not interested den left the band. . . tried to find a replacement bassist but found it hard, since our band played reggae and reggae bassist are like so few dat time. . .to play reggae bass, itz no simple task. . .u must have the feel and also timing and communication with the drummer. . . so i decided to play bass while we find ourselves a reggae bassist. . . as time goes by, i started to like playing the bass. . . got one time we had a bassist n i returned to lead duties. . . but the new bassist found it hard to communicate wif the drummer thus we let him go. . . summore, me and the drummer kinda forged a bond wif each other. . . we clicked so well already. . . now, i love and am proud to be a bassist!!!

sure, the bassist are like the "guy-who-juz-play-the-big-guitar-and-dun-get-the-limelight"... but try it and u'll see how bassist are the backbone of the band! try listening to your fav songs and imagine it without bass lines!! will definitely sound like crap!!!
my friend's band needed a bassist. So i was playing the easy stuff,then I saw Billy Sheehan and Victor Wooten O.O i was sold.. Now i'm a proud 3 finger player! :D
coz I was offered a paying gig as bassist ... but I still rather play guitar
Steve Harris....Paul McCartney....makes me wanna play bass....

Bass is nice....when in the band...you can actually enjoy the overall groove of the band without having much stress as there is USUALLY not to many notes to play...don't have to think so much as a guitarist....that is what i feel...
i started playing bass cause there wasn't a bassist in my church youth worship band, and there was an unplayed bass guitar lying around somewhere in the church.

i think bassists are people who don't mind not being in the limelight, cause they know their important role in the band. bassists are appreciated by their bandmates, at least those who know the importance of their bassists.

once heard from another bass player that he played bass because he did not like being in the limelight. now that's real passion. :D
hmm. . .i use to play lead guitar for my band. . . but during dat time, our bassist like not interested den left the band. . . tried to find a replacement bassist but found it hard, since our band played reggae and reggae bassist are like so few dat time. . .to play reggae bass, itz no simple task. . .u must have the feel and also timing and communication with the drummer. . . so i decided to play bass while we find ourselves a reggae bassist. . . as time goes by, i started to like playing the bass. . . got one time we had a bassist n i returned to lead duties. . . but the new bassist found it hard to communicate wif the drummer thus we let him go. . . summore, me and the drummer kinda forged a bond wif each other. . . we clicked so well already. . . now, i love and am proud to be a bassist!!!

sure, the bassist are like the "guy-who-juz-play-the-big-guitar-and-dun-get-the-limelight"... but try it and u'll see how bassist are the backbone of the band! try listening to your fav songs and imagine it without bass lines!! will definitely sound like crap!!!

Dude, your story is almost exactly the same as mine :lol:

I started off as lead guitarist and then we had a really big problem with finding a bassist who would stay ... In the end, i figured that it'd be easier to get another lead guitarist than bassist, so i "sacrificed" and started playing bass. The joke of the matter was that, after i switched over, i couldn't find a freaking lead guitarist to join the band! So it fell apart ...

That was about 3 years ago, but now, i really, REALLY enjoy playing bass. Although i still occasionally play guitar for church and all, i prefer playing bass and would rather let some else take over the (lead) guitar spot.
1986 - a tiny studio in the basement of Ming Arcade, after school. A group of 4 of us splashed out everything in our pockets for an hour in the studio, an ice lemon jelly at Cuppage Centre Hawker Centre and bus fare home. Someone had said earlier, "Let's be rock stars". When the band that had been playing inside finished, we all rushed in. I mean rushed - charged, rugby tackled, pushed and shoved. Rockstardom could not wait!

I was fat, I was slow (I still am hehehe) and wasn't really interested in skool, so not particularly bright, either. All the other instruments were grabbed by my friends, so the only thing I could find was a guitar lookin' thingy with 4 strings on it that said Yamaha. I picked it up and said, "There's something wrong with this guitar, it only has 4 strings." My friends looked at me and said, "That's because it's a bass, idiot." I hit the open E string. Boom. The rest, as they say, is history. :)
1986 - a tiny studio in the basement of Ming Arcade, after school. A group of 4 of us splashed out everything in our pockets for an hour in the studio, an ice lemon jelly at Cuppage Centre Hawker Centre and bus fare home. Someone had said earlier, "Let's be rock stars". When the band that had been playing inside finished, we all rushed in. I mean rushed - charged, rugby tackled, pushed and shoved. Rockstardom could not wait!

I was fat, I was slow (I still am hehehe) and wasn't really interested in skool, so not particularly bright, either. All the other instruments were grabbed by my friends, so the only thing I could find was a guitar lookin' thingy with 4 strings on it that said Yamaha. I picked it up and said, "There's something wrong with this guitar, it only has 4 strings." My friends looked at me and said, "That's because it's a bass, idiot." I hit the open E string. Boom. The rest, as they say, is history. :)

haha nice story man! i think for many of us, the "The rest is history" quote applies too! very apt! :)
hello! haha im new here anyway yeah i used to play the guitar and few years ago i formed a band with my group of friends. we werent really serious and were merely playing around lol

the band was quite disorganised and our roles of lead guitar, rhythm guitar and bass switches everytime. majority of my friends wanted me to play lead cos i was the most "experienced" member amongst us but unfortunately 1 of my other friend didnt like the job of the bassist. seeing he wasnt too happy playing bass i decided to take on the role as bassist !!

he left the band because he cldnt do lead guitar and wanted to play bass lol but i love the bass so much and i didnt want to give it away !

our band plays red hot chili peppers and rage against the machine ! wooo haha glad i held on to the bass haha yeap thats my story
i started out bass at 15yrs old... thats was... 1985...

church band... the older guy wanted a break and tossed a Fender my way...

thru the years i listened to more bass lines in music... then i heard some plucking in "You got it All" some cheapo band in the 80s... and thought.. woah how did he do that? experimented and realised i needed to change strings on the church bass (which i convinced the leader to pay for!)... and i was happily plucking away... albeit in a very disorderly manner of course.. no training mah...

then i started listening to Abraham Laboriel, John Patitucci and Mark King...

then i started giving up... coz if you hear these guys .. its like ... forget it lor...

"Running in the Family" was very inspirational to me when i managed to watch the MTV... slapping all the way but not really sounding like it...

then when i heard Paul Simon's You can call me Al bass line... i said... that's it... no more...

just sold my bass off... *sigh*

wow... eh bro, no need to be sad, just get another bass! haha :cool:
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did expect myself to start playing bass till one of my frd told me abt how wonderful bass is and they were also looking for a bassist to fill the gap..

after that, went to learn more about bass and that is when i get to know abt flea. Flea may not be the best but i'm just so amazed by him, his techniques and stuff..

I'm still trying hard to play until now, only managed to play simple songs like smoke on the water, seven nation army and stuff..

well, wat makes me wanna learn bass? i suppose its because of the funky punch that it brings.. :p
I wanna start learning bass too,but haven't had much luck on finding one.Why bass?Cause like engz...i find it easier with 4 strings at which a guitar with 6 strings is pretty confusing for me.So yeah...

Bass FTW:)