Yoshiki of X-japan has recovered


New member
Hey all x japan fans in singapore, according to x japan's official website n info from facebook it is said that yoshiki has recovered n x japan will carry on with their world tour plan i suppose its starting at the end of the year in paris.......so c'mon guys isit time for us to do sumthing to let x japan know we want them in singapore??
i really wonder how those ppl in Paris get so lucky, they even get Moi Dix Mois, Dir en Grey to hold concerts there. i really don't see why X Japan is not putting Singapore on their list.. I even have friend's friends who flew from singapore to Tokyo Dome in march to see their concert.
we shld really make ourselves known to x japan. to at least know of the existence of singapore fans. but i feel that the number of fans in singapore is really too little.. maybe not more than 5k? or even only around 1k. can ask slapshock to lead and gather the fans and to let yoshiki know of singapore :D