Smash Ez1 Or Timbresr200


New member
seriously guys,i have been posting threads around the forums and none has actually helped me FULLY.
even so,i stil am making considerations
once...answered thats all i need.
please tell me,for a begginer should i go for the ez1 bk or the timbresr200 package and if ez1bk,i am going to use a tgm amp.i am really really confused.please help
the ez1 bk only has 1 tone and 1 volume whilst the timbresr200 has 1 neck pickup 1 and 1 middle pickup tones and 1 master volume 2vs3 please give me reccomendations i dont want to try them out because i might be dissapointed with teh results and i am really going to stay with this guitar for damn long.[no choice]
help response although some were not detailed enough
seriously guys,i have been posting threads around the forums and none has actually helped me FULLY.
even so,i stil am making considerations
once...answered thats all i need.

nobody, owe you anything nor have the obligation to help you fully. Heh, afterall, its your own geetar, of course you will have to make consideration yourself.

isnt that simple logic common sense??

anyway, just imho. Good luck for the search and rock out with the geetar when having it
please give me reccomendations i dont want to try them out because i might be dissapointed with teh results and i am really going to stay with this guitar for damn long.

When you don't try them out, and instead let us make the decision for you without knowing what is good and nice and comfortable for you, and then you end up not liking it, who are you gonna blame in the end? Us?

The danger of you being disappointed by the results comes when you rely on others to make the decisions for you. Not the other way round.

Wanna know how hot a cup of tea is? Touch the cup. Wanna know which guitar is suitable for your play? Test it.
^ That's what I said on the other thread. He ought to try them out before buying, so at least he knows he got the one that he likes better. But I guess he saw it as bad, unhelpful or unrelated advice. Sheesh.
Smash and Timbre. Both at Standard value, so it's damn easy to AB them side by side and see for yourself. No worries. Mike won't laugh at you for being a beginner guitarist, if that's what you fear.
seriously guys,i have been posting threads around the forums and none has actually helped me FULLY.
even so,i stil am making considerations
once...answered thats all i need.
please tell me,for a begginer should i go for the ez1 bk or the timbresr200 package and if ez1bk,i am going to use a tgm amp.i am really really confused.please help
the ez1 bk only has 1 tone and 1 volume whilst the timbresr200 has 1 neck pickup 1 and 1 middle pickup tones and 1 master volume 2vs3 please give me reccomendations i dont want to try them out because i might be dissapointed with teh results and i am really going to stay with this guitar for damn long.[no choice]
help response although some were not detailed enough

Dude, you really need to have more confidence in yourself. You are the one playing the guitar not us. Try and feel both guitars and see which feels better.

Also take a look at the whole series of Smash guitars.

If you are just starting out, the best guitar is the one that feels easier to play in your hands.
Advice had been given with all of them coming to the point asking the threadstarter to test it himself yet all he does is create new threads and blame people for not giving him advice.
^ That's what I said on the other thread. He ought to try them out before buying, so at least he knows he got the one that he likes better. But I guess he saw it as bad, unhelpful or unrelated advice. Sheesh.

hey you guys better not make stupid assumptions about me saying that your advices are dumb and all. i freaking appreciate it and if your not happy about me trying,guess what i live in bedok?you expect me to go there now and then since i have swings with me.....sheesh get your facts right...gosh
wow u talk as if softies owe u advice
okay dude...i think youre egocentric.i think youre like only thinking about yourself and not taking a damn care about my worries and such...i nvr asked for advice...i only seek them.i dont force them.if you have a problem with that then dont post here.i dont need your negativity..i only seek advices i nvr forced you to post....geez
man i think...people are getting it all wrong.i do have confidence and i would love to try but the fact that woodlands and bedok's distance is preventing me from going there has nothing to make fun of okay.i am only seekig advice not forcing anyone to actually reply.i only am asking.its just that i am curious since its my first time playing.and thanks to some of you,i have learned a thing or to.dont think everyone is like you because i am not egocentric or self-centered either way or so
Alright,I'm sure fellow softies didn't know that you stay in Bedok and stuff.I shall try to help you with your choices.Will you be playing punk/rock/metal?If yes,would recommend you to get a guitar with a humbucker,which is the Ez1,but I would advise you to save up more for the amp.If you will be playing clean most of the time,would recommend you to go for the Timbre package instead.And once you have decide what you want to buy,you might as well try out the other guitars in standard value while you are there in case you regret you decision.
Now now TS, keep your cool and don't be rash. Well to be honest, i do agree with dudelove.i have been reading your threads and i realised that most of the softies actually helped you and gave you advices. You are the one playing the guitar you are buying. Not us. We gave you some choices which best suit you. Next is for you to go down to Standard Value and try to see which guitar suits you the best in terms of sound and comfort while playing it. We only can give you advices and not help you choose the guitar. YOU are the player, you decide on what you want.
just my 2 cents. no offence to anyone.
I don't see how living in Bedok can compromise your trying them both out. Both guitars are available at the same shop. Furthermore, there is a straight bus to Woodlands from Bedok, 168. Unless you intend to order, that will be a different matter. But if you're going to go there and buy it in person, I don't see any problem in trying them both out.

But since you want a direct answer, I'd say get the Smash EZ-1. Why? Because it is more versatile. And if you're not happy about your purchase, it's your call and no one else's. Simple.
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Hey man TS, you know what? I live in Bedok too, and I have studied at Republic Poly at Woodlands. Class Starts at 8.30am everyday, I have to wake up at 5 plus in the morning just to be on time for school for 3 years. How's that for you?
TS, u're getting ur guitar, it is ultimately your choice. if i were u, i'd put in the effort to go all the way down to standard value to test the guitars to see which one i like. reason? i dont want to base my purchase of what someone has said, and end up disliking it. a guitar costs a fair sum of money, i dont want to get something i dont like, just because standard value is too far and too troublesome to go to.

so, u can ask all u like, sure, but please dont blame anyone if u end up getting a guitar you dont like.