Powerjam 2008

well...a 'stevie wonder' song should be covered as it was recorded....yeah...u guys played 'superstitious' rite? the 'improvs' were really not so improvs ...

i am an ardent fan of stevie wonder's left hand....his keyboard bass hand and i have listened to all of his work extensively.....when stevie wonder created a song..every instrument has its place...try taking out the hi hat in superstitous...or the Eb pedal bass note....it will be quite the empty....i hope you know where i am coming from and what i mean....

3 yrs back stevie wonder released the album 'conception' - a rearranged stevie wonder cover album with clapton, india arie......it bombed....even stevie wonder doing stevie wonder covers failed ......
Ahqua'sNUT talk rots lah!

There are covers and there are interpretations. Aurigami did an interpretation - NOT A COVER! It was good as it as cool!

Aurigami was the only band in the finals that had any potential to go further than Baybeats!!!

Different strokes for different folks lah dey!

If it's not an original from a locla band, I'd much rather listen to an interpretation than a cover.
suddenly this thread very hot.

still, IMO, i feel while playing a cover song, you should retain what's most important of it and add your own flavour into it. Perhaps Aquanaut didn't like Aurigami's own rendtion of the song. I personally felt it was creative. but then again everyone's got their own taste. I'm only a keyboardist and bedroom bassist. dunno much la. =D

wah why suddenly so tension?
we should just appreciate la, diff ppl diff style and perspective..whatever it is, we have a COMMON passion or interest here, and that is MUSIC.
i'd rather keep my mouth shut and just appreciate, support. no matter what we think of these covers and interpretations, it IS still MUSIC anyhoos. so, i guess u guys get my point right?
no matter what we do, we WONT and CANT please everyone. so yea..just do what we like and enjoy most.
Shiok only, I like it where someone just comes in and throws a line about cringeworthy bends only to get his ass creamed back.

I better prepare my mailbox tomorrow for an attorney's letter, informing me about libel or slander!
well...a 'stevie wonder' song should be covered as it was recorded....yeah...u guys played 'superstitious' rite? the 'improvs' were really not so improvs ...

i am an ardent fan of stevie wonder's left hand....his keyboard bass hand and i have listened to all of his work extensively.....when stevie wonder created a song..every instrument has its place...try taking out the hi hat in superstitous...or the Eb pedal bass note....it will be quite the empty....i hope you know where i am coming from and what i mean....

3 yrs back stevie wonder released the album 'conception' - a rearranged stevie wonder cover album with clapton, india arie......it bombed....even stevie wonder doing stevie wonder covers failed ......

btw...may i clarify on what u really meant by "even stevie wonder doing stevie wonder covers failed"...?..are you saying that stevie wonder is just like other bands who cant perform a good cover...?
I have removed some 'flaming' posts in this thread. There is no need for such things in SOFT.
i don't know bout u guys and i do not have concrete evidence but sometimes, i just can't help but feel that certain things happen cos of certain pple's assistance in ensuring a certain result for the certain few.

to all the bands that didn't win this year, lesson learnt.

find out who the production studio will be for next year and then .............................................. :p:p:p:p:
hey guys, vicki here.
i have a whole shit load of pics from audition 2 and the semis, so if you guys want them, tell me.
i could prolly meet you guys in a lan shop or if you don't mind the wait, send the whole load over msn.

my creaky old comp can't handle the space usage witout a few notices popping up here and there and an unbearable load to scroll through when i'm editing my pics!
so im planning to delete them soon

so pm, or add me on msn at cool_wave82@hotmail.com for the pics :)

vicki :D
hello james!

powerjam videos going to be up anytime soon? my band is kinda anxious. heh. thanks!

i guess we wont be seeing the videos anytime soon?
was soo looking forward to the videos.
its good if we can watch them and analyse how we did on stage.
that would help us greatly..


you're welcome shinysnakepit.
sorry i didnt get your name. ><
but it was nice meeting you, and i actually got some pics of you not hiding behind the mic stand :D

haha you did? are you referring to those in the link you gave? haha oh and my name is kenneth, nice to meet you! :)