Powerjam 2008


Christopher, guitarist from Soul Excess here, the Cheena pok corporate rocker wannabe, glad to be able to share the stage with such killer bands and talent. Goofing off with you guys and just making fun of everything that walked past us.

Congratulations to the winners KKJ!

Page you guys were great really, played with you at Bar None for players for good gig last year, you guys ripped it up as usual at every leg of power jam!

Madhatter, awesome talent for guys your age, I wish I could play like you guys when I was your age! Great guitarist, super groovy!

Aurigami, I love your sound man, I loved the fact that you guys upped the distortion for the finals! LOL.

I wish I could contact the photographer that night, would love to see some pictutres of the gig. Or perhaps videos too!


Great show guys!
Congrats to KKJ for winning. However I cant help but notice this.

"The band is currently recording its debut album at Snakeweed Studios, and plans to release it by 2009."

These are just questions, I maybe wrong, but I hope to seek some clarification.

Wasnt Snakeweed, the official production house, one of the sponsors? There would be money involved to produce another album/EP had either of the other 4 bands won, right?

No offence to KKJ, was there some insider advantage here?

having watched some of KKJ's (and the other competing bands') performances on youtube before the finals, they didnt wanna reveal their original cover over the interview, but I predicted that they will perform Umbrella and it turned out to be true. Altho I must admit it was clever on KKJ to ride on the song's fame and impressed the judges however I'm sure some parts of the audience beg to differ. Umbrella may be stale already to some. Perhaps it will be more respectable to make an unpopular song, popular.

Kudos to Soul Excess, Madhatter, Page and Aurigami for wowing the audience and even KKJ with ur technical abilities. You guys rawkkk!!

Congrats again to KKJ (having hailed from varsity) for the smart song choice and all the best with the post Powerjam activities.

Oh...and was the 1st prize $5K or $50K?
Hi, guitarist of KKJ here. Here's what I posted on our blog just recently:

When we got through the semis, we were immediately hit with the reality of how tough the finals were going to be. Here were 4 other bands that totally floored us during the audition and semi rounds. We were surprised to have gotten through the semis at all heh. Personally I thought Monster Phunk (or Funk? Sorry Fadz) was totally incredibly awesome.

The weeks following the semis were all about planning, discussions, strategising, and talking to a whole lot of people in and out of the industry. We more or less came up with the following.
1. If we played anything funky, there was no way to outdo Soul Excess and Madhatter
2. If we played anything heavy, we would be slaughtered by Aurigami and Page.

Our only hope was to pull out our most basic, most poppish song and pray that the judges see marketing potential in that, or don't like heavy stuff, or... or whatever... It was a gamble, and we were frightened by it, but we knew it had to be done.

The 4 bands had great coordinated instrument parts and talented musicians. So what did we do? We decided not to try and compete in any of those areas at all. Instead of working out complicated parts... We went shopping. We actually walked around in the clothes we were shopping for to make sure we had a cohesive band look. We must have talked to like more than 20 people in and out of the music industry to get their opinions on what we should do for the competition. And have debated amongst ourselves more we should have.

I guess it paid off. We've made new friends, and I guess new enemies, such is the reality of these matters.

On a personal note,
Soul Excess had their crazy band coordinated breaks again, I was grinning from ear to ear when I heard them. Awesome stuff.
Madhatter was SOOOooooo disco rock. These guys can totally control a club.
Page was suuper entertaining. I totally loved the lead guitarist's getup, especially when he walked up to do the solo. Perfect.
Aurigami made all our jaws drop during the soundcheck. That girl has mad vocal skills. Pity we couldn't properly catch them during the actual set, could only watch in nervous anticipation of our turn from the side.

Here's to any new band thinking of joining a competition or such. Don't be discouraged when you hear how good other bands are. It's not always about skills. Music is music. Everyone has different musical tastes. And if you work hard enough, plan hard enough, and want it hard enough, you just might get it.

To answer some of your questions, these are as far as my knowledge extends:

1. Snakeweed's sponsorship is 3 songs to be recorded at the studio. We are not informed how much of the prize that makes up.
We were actually more worried about a disadvantage than an advantage. We were already paying customers at Snakeweed. Had any of the other 4 bands won, Snakeweed would have gotten new customers. Instead now, they're still stuck with us.

2. $50k cash and prizes, as far as we know now, consists of $5k cash, $2.5k vouchers, and the recording time at Snakeweed. We're still scratching our heads over what makes up the rest of the $50k. Maybe they'll email us soon.

Just thought you guys might like to know who were judging too:
(I think these are right, didn't really catch all the info)
1. Leonard Soosay
2. Eunice Olsen
3. An artist manager from Music and Movement
4. Safra GM
5. Some government MP

Not exactly a mix of music experts eh? We were very lucky, and had it been any other competition like Yamaha Asian Beat, we might not even make it past the audition rounds. But that's life eh, luck plays a part too. Win some, lose some.
Hi guys,

Finally got time to post some thing decently long over here so here it is!

Congrats to King Kong Jane for stealing the 1st prize from the rest of us. hehe. You guys looked like a band (unlike MadHatter, mix & match from all over the place). Very very safe and smart song choices (which in turn won you the 1st prize).

I trust the judges saw the marketing and musical potential in your band and I'm sure you'll prove your doubters wrong and show them why you guys are the winners for Powerjam '08.

Page - you guys rocked out with your cock out again and again. Awesome man. Bani, you will always be our DMAT idol. hahaha. Thanks for the video of our soundcheck.

Soul Excess - it was a real pity that the vocals kena drowned out if not freaking power! Nevertheless, wicked old school funk. i is like very much. Nanoshredding Brandon Gan is damn scary. I love your guitar man, damn sexy.

Aurigami - whole band rock out! my personal favourites. i saw the fat skunk dudes head banging in front of boon. damn funny. like groopies but still uber cool. Thanks again for inviting me to play with you guys on the 16th!

MadHatter will be back after a short break *to finish all school assignments!* and hopefully we can burn down a few disco clubs when we play next time.

ehh alamak!
when are the videos gonna be posted?hahaha.
mr soft?? are u there?
haha, i'm excited laa. i'm sure some of us are excited to see how bad or good we all were right?haha =)

Oh Mandric, the videow was recorded by John Paul Jones Aurigami paper. Pass to my phone then i put it up. I forgot to credit him. Will do so after this. Hehe DMAT idol ah? Foooh, steady baby cannot la walawe haha..

Paging for Vickomaniac, thank you for the photos. It means the world to us that there are photos of us taken by people. Vain vain vain people we are. I have credited you already. Your name and email address, as you have stated some pages back. Thank you once again!

Hey you TheBlueArk!! Elffie will be glad to know that you liked his getup. Will let him know. Haha.. congrats once again..

But another time once again, IF GOT PHOTOS/VIDEOS OF US PLS FEEL CHEAP/FREE TO SEND TO ME FIRST & THE GIMME GIMMES! b786tou@yahoo.com.sg www.myspace.com/sgpage

If we use it, we buy you tutukueh, cam, settle the kettle??
Hi guys, it will be sometime before I can upload the videos. In the meantime, anyone with photos of the finals would like to post here first?
i'm hooked on "dont get infatuated!!" repeating in my mind now, though its for girls..hahahaha.but heck its catchy..power la soul excess!
anw, thanks mr soft! we'll hope to hear soon from you again.=)
till then...lets boogieeeeee.
as semifinalists ...jack vs jill....whom i played bass for....i actually was right ....
king kong jane would win it....but i really could not understand how 'aurigami' actually made it when they played a terrible stevie wonder cover.....yeah i know the chick was hot and all that....