Drinking hot tea causes cancer!?

honestly, i've never believed all those crap. it seems that everything you eat these day is gonna cause cancer and/or some other type of disease/problem.

and even if you don't eat those stuff, your body might just stop functioning one day...

so why bother :)
Everything we eat/do is linked to cancer..might as well don't eat..Just have a healthy diet and lifestyle will do..
hahah. u know ppl forward emails abt this kinda health stuff and at the end of the msg it says forward this to someone whom u care abt.

seriously, most of the content are false and it only will stir up paranoia among those who read them. esp health concious mid age moms. damn it.

my dad forwarded one of those emails to his friends before. and he got a reply from a friend who happened to be a doctor saying that email is totally false and has no scientific proof. so firstly, u make a fool out of yourself, and u make all the ppl who read it fear something that shouldnt be feared at all..

so try not to be so swayed and worried by stuff like these. just make sure their based of proper facts. i'm not saying that article is entirely false though

amnesiac, lipton or earl grey? haahha or any other nice stuff to introduce??
Read the article carefully, the damage is done when you drink tea above 65*C. It's common sense isn't it? No need a research to tell you that, except that the particular research was done for a particular case, so might as well publish it.
Hahahaa...the ironic

Sooner or later, tea packaging will be like of those Cigarettes packs,"Smoking causes Cancer,blablablabla"....in future u will see ,"Tea Causes Cancer"...soon got contraband tea,got drinking tea area(as of smoking area) in coffee shop....hmm i wonder they will revise on the age limit of buying tea???hmmm....we'll wait and see
Hah. You drink tea when it's warm, not hot. I drank hot tea before and for weeks after that my throat was very painful. Scalded, but no cancer.

But if you think about it, it is possible. Hot fluids can damage your throat cells, allowing the DNA inside to be damaged. I'm sure you guys know that the DNA determines how a cell grows, right? What if the DNA is damaged? Either the cell will die, or it will grow according to the changed DNA.

It is possible... But who drinks tea when it's hot? There's a fine line between 'hot' and 'warm'..
I drink mine warm.

But judging from this article, probably it would be more accurate to say that drinking TOO MUCH HOT DRINKS causes cancer.

Yet again, if everything causes cancer must as well we don't live anymore. How many things they've deemed as "cancerous" is really something weird
Tea's health benefits are largely due to its high content of flavonoids-plant-derived compounds that are antioxidants. Green tea is the best food source of a group called catechins. In test tubes, catechins are more powerful than vitamins C and E in halting oxidative damage to cells and appear to have other disease-fighting properties. Studies have found an association between consuming green tea and a reduced risk for several cancers, including, skin, breast, lung, colon, esophageal, and bladder.


now for the article.

bollocks. i'm still gonna drink my tea hot whenever i feel like it.
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drinking tea at 90 degrees celcius and drinking tea at like 40-50 deg is a very different proposition. In any case you sip tea not gulp it down your throat
I thought it's commonsense that consuming very hot fluids will damage your throat cells and possibly give you cancer, in the longterm.

Sometimes even Science can't sway pple from their stubborn and foolish beliefs.
Sometimes even Science can't sway pple from their stubborn and foolish beliefs.

But even science can be wrong.
There was this period of time where sport scientists were saying that running was no good for the knees as it'll damage the cartilage due to wear and tear and the knee joint will start to deteriorate as running is a high impact activity. They say a good cardio replacement would be swimming, as it had little impact but forced your heart to work even harder than running.

Now they say that RUNNING is good as the impact will build bone density and make it stronger, but SWIMMING is no good as there is always the chance that you will overexert the knee.

Even science and contradict itself
sooner or later . Everything will cause cancer , diseases or wad sort.
Sometimes if reject this and that u cant really enjoy life...