Dr Ducks Ax Wax and String Lube

If you want to do a test and have 2 guitars, get the Dr Duck and head to guardian or watson, ask them for a bottle of pure white mineral oil ($3-$4).

Try Dr duck on 1 guitar, and the mineral oil on the other.

Do the same application method, use same kind of strings. Note that you should test it on guitars you have had for a while so you know how its supposed to have sound like before you apply these stuff.

Why choose mineral oil?

Because most other string cleaners, fretboard conditioners are made from mineral oil.

Tried to find but can't..what does it look like?
I bought mine from guardian, the brand is

Baby love
Pure baby oil

Ingredients: Pure white mineral oil


Made by Zen Natural Cosmetics Inc, USA

Bar code: 9 555083 104622

I think you tell the people at Guardian the bar code they can point you the product exactly.

I bought this bottle for RM6, at Plaza Pelangi Guardian JB.

Bought for 2 months? Probably used like less than 5ml.

Anyway you can use any other brand, as long as it is pure white mineral oil without any additives/fragrances.

I found the picture, it can be found here

Mine has 410ml stated on the front, the picture's one is 500ml, but product code is same. My bottle was made in 11/08 , so maybe they upped the content amount, but RM6 really goes a long long way. Probably end up using this for a few years.

And you can find them in Singapore at the following outlets :

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just to share.. there are customers asking me is Dr Duck Ax Wax suitable for matt finishing guitar.. cause alot of guitar polish out in the market will cause the finish to become grossy.
Below is the answer!

We took a Swing Korina X guitar for experimentation.

The left side is the original condition of the guitar after played by several customers.
The Right side was treated with 2-3 drops of Dr Duck Ax Wax.

You can see that after treated, the finishing looks must better and yet without damaging the matt finishing.
Standard Value is the distributor for Dr Ducks in Singapore. I doubt you can find it elsewhere. Is the place inconvienient for you that you want to get it elsewhere?
Ya... woodland leh.. then still need take bus to get there... not like beside MRT... damn scared get lost.. it's like i m living in a village and goes to city every once in a few months LOL
Well, you can always pay for the postage to get it delivered to your doorsteps. No hassle :)
Hey Mike, you should place your experimentation pics on your site. Its really convincing. Just suggesting, haha...