What do you do other than bass? (in music.)


New member
Many bassists start out as guitarists, some start out as drummers.

What other instruments did/do you play?

How does it affect your bass playing?

What role do you play in your band other than simply as the bass player?

Your own thoughts, hang loose.

We should talk more =)
My band already has 2 guitarists and I can't play the keyboards, so I don't play other instruments other than bass. What else do I do? I sing backing vocals, lol.
I play violin other than bass.

I actually started out on drums before bass, and it helps me A LITTLE about locking in with drums ( mainly cos i didnt learn drums for a long time ). In my opinion, it certainly helps learning other instruments other than bass, as it provides a fresh new perspective and perhaps inspiration to creating better music with your bass.
i play the keys n guitar...

while in the early stages of plucking the guitar, i thought whether the bass can be plucked...i didnt know that bass plucking exists at that time...so i tried it during jamming sessions...sounds very nice and totally different...by that time i was very pleased with myself(still didnt know that bass plucking exists)..luckly my friend told me bout it, b4 i start telling other people...was quite shocked actually 8O
I started off with acoustic guitar .. after that moved on to drums .. then my last instrument was the bass .. i totally feel in love with it .. actually and honestly .. i started playing the bass because my church youth service at that time didn't have a bassist .. but i didn't know that the bass itself at that time had so much tonal versitality and i grew to love it and appreciate it over time ..

i learn all my instruments simultaneously .. but giving more time to bass though .. i don't have a drumset at home so most of the time i'll be hitting air .. but playing the drums has made me understand the deeper aspects of bass-drum synci and to know how to fit along with a drummer .. playing the guitar has helped me understand how the guitar player will play and what i should play with him .. but it has made me a more guitaristic bassist in that sense .. bleah .. but hey hey .. i still love it .. unique style

got comments that my bass playing sounds guitaristic .. not sure how true is that but i'll stick to it since i do lots of fingerpicking stuff with chords on my bass .. ..

Personally i feel with the mix of harmonics .. slap .. tapping .. and other techniques inclusive of stopped bass notes .. the bass can actually cover a huge range of the tonal spectrum making it one of the most versatile instrument ever .. not to mention also the percussive section ..

just to digress a little .. the slap technique was invented by Larry Graham .. there was once when he came to church and his drummer didn't show up .. so he had to play bass and drums at the same time .. so he figured that he'd play it with a more percussive feel. When he moved to Sly and the Family Stone .. i think .. he used that and players all over the country went .. "whooaaaaa .. i gotta learn how to do that .. " .. yeah . so end of story ..

cool eh? bet you didn't know the bass was so versatile .. LONG LIVE THE BASS GUITAR!! .. woot woot!
the bass has elements of both guitar and drums. ^_^

I'd like to learn some basic drum rudiments.
visa said:
the bass has elements of both guitar and drums. ^_^

I'd like to learn some basic drum rudiments.

should! .. but have to adapt though .. i tried it once but now i don' really have the time to commit yet .. taking in too much stuff already .. brain overload ..
I was a classical pianist at 5 years old intially, hated it to the core.
carried on only because my mom said that it was piano or ballet. ( no prizes for guessing what most self-respecting 5 year old boys will do).

Struck a deal with my mom - if i learnt another instrument, i get to quit piano.
Had been in love with the bass for a LLOOONGGG time already.

I loved that fact that even though the bass player just played ONE note, he can change how the band sounds in an instant.

However, the guys in church wouldnt let me touch the bass until I learnt some basic guitar. Which I did.

when i finally did get to play bass, i was playing quite a lot of guitars in my
previous bands as they figured that the whole 'billy sheehan tapping thing' doesn't really go well with them , and that I'd "contribute better as a guitarist" (gosh i hate that phrase).

Was, and STILL AM blown away by the fact that If your band plays a C maj chord. You playing a C would make it a C chord, but playing a A makes in an A minor 7. =)

It's REALLY fun to irritate potential shredders wailing away at guitar shops with your own tapping skills on the 'inferior' instrument.

So there you ignorant so-called guitar players!!!
I learned the electric guitar like 1yrs ago n then I went on to learn bass..
Someone here from soft gave me his old bass(dunno his nick but his name was Shahril).. I gotta thank him for that..

As to why I learnt the bass is because I thought there's really lots of guitarist in Singapore so I don't make any difference really...

Bass scales really helped me a lot in my fingers..
My fingers now are very independent if you know what I meant...

Bass is big while guitar is small.. Since young, I like big stuff.. lol
What kind of theory is that?? HAHA...
i play the piano. but its been a while since i touched the piano.

oh and i learn how to play guitar first of course. then it was in Chinese Orchestra that i was learning the cello and double bass... which kinda made me like the lower ends. :)
ravanelle? sorry to digress where u on channel bass on irc a long long time ago? i nvr been back to irc in ages but a long time ago i remember a ravanelle on irc. is it u? lol
back to topic. i learn guitar along time ago as well, but i prefer bass. its more fun
I started of from Acoustic Guitar. Play alittle of Electric Guitar before going into bass. Tried to play drums but I can't! My hands and leg coordination just can't work together. Ahaha..

Don't have any other role in my band. Er.. Keeping track of the band consider a role? Ahaha..
i started off as a rhythem guitarist, then to a lead guitarist and finally to a bass guitarist. Of all, i have to say that lead guitarist is the most fun.
mitch said:
i started off as a rhythem guitarist, then to a lead guitarist and finally to a bass guitarist. Of all, i have to say that lead guitarist is the most fun.

maybe that's for you i guess ... but for bassist like us ... man .. the bass can be such an interesting instrument to play ...
yup agree with exin...bass is the easiest to start but to master it,its one of the hardest,harder than guitar
I agree too! Bass IS difficult to master.

I started out playing the piano when I was really young. In fact I still do now, but I hate cause I think its too common.

And then, I joined my school band where I played (I still do now) the double bass. Did some reseach and found out that it had exactly the same strings as the electric bass. And thats how I started out. :smt045

I also play the acoustic guitar. In fact, my cousin recommended that to me. But I have abandoned it. The guitar is probably somewhere in my horribly messy room...
Wow...bassist tlk..well ok i'm a drummer for my band..but wtf i love de bass so much esp its rhytem...well i do play bass sometime nt pro or begineer i wonder if my bass playin is human playin cause i will go around striking every note..i jus love de low sound...bass is a vry important instrument in de band..it back up the band...imagine wthout a bass how plain it will be lke some cheap radio lousy quality...lol..well jus love bass n drums they just click 2gather..well all i can say is rock on bassist, in the band everyone need each other...
abcdef said:
Wow...bassist tlk..well ok i'm a drummer for my band..but huh i love de bass so much esp its rhytem...well i do play bass sometime nt pro or begineer i wonder if my bass playin is human playin cause i will go around striking every note..i jus love de low sound...bass is a vry important instrument in de band..it back up the band...imagine wthout a bass how plain it will be lke some cheap radio lousy quality...lol..well jus love bass n drums they just click 2gather..well all i can say is rock on bassist, in the band everyone need each other...

well said!