Upgrading Time


New member
Got a need to upgrade, so hope you guys can assist me here. Looking at getting a new set of monitor speakers (to replace my multimedia speakers and in-ears) and an expression pedal for my keyboard.

1. Was looking at the KRK RP-8. How much does a pair cost here, and where would I go to get it. I read that it was pretty good value online, but does anyone have experience with it?

2. Interested to get an expression pedal as I need to use it when i start recording cello on the keys. I'm using my yamaha s30 linked via midi into my daw. Thus, do i have to get the yamaha expression pedal (FC7), or can I use any expression pedal. Either way, roughly how much am i looking at to get one, and where to find it?

Thanks for all your help guys.