Unusual ringing sound on D string


New member

When i pluck my D string (open string), there's an unusually high pitched ringing sound. Firstly I though there's something wrong with the string, but even after I changed them, the problem was not solve. And I don't think its the amp or pu prob cause I can hear it even unplugged. Its only on the D string. Most obvious when played open string.

May I know if there's anyone with the same problem and how to solve it?

You might want to check that your saddle is set properly; that the bottom of the adjustment screws are fully on the surface of the bridge plate. You could try applying some pressure on the part where the string goes over the saddle, or stretching the string near the saddle. If the string is new, it might take some time to settle too.

Other than that, as long as the offending metallic squeal isn't reflected on your amp, just accept it as part of your instrument's characteristics & just play as per normal.

Hope this helps.
hmm.. i dont think that it is buzz fret... it isnt the metal agaiinst metal kind of sound.. . Its like having one of the overtones thats particularly loud.

Yep, it is reflected with the amp... grrr didnt have this prob b4..

I guess I have to remove the strings to check the bridge or sumthin... thx anyway ^^
It could be what they refer to as sympathetic vibrations. Much talked about in TB forums.

I face similar problems when i pluck on the 4th fret of the G string. The overtones are so powerful that it overwhelms that note, esp after i had lowered the action on my bass.

I forgot the exact physics behind sympathetic vibrations, maybe can do a google on it but to summarize, the frequency of the note your are playing is causing the other string to resonate. Its normal actually, the bass is a resonating instrument after all but in some cases it is too overwhelming like mine.

Again this is just a suggestion to what can be causing that problem. maybe you can try playing your open D string and try muting/unmuting your other strings to check if they are resonating.

I did try with mine and realise my open E was resonating a lot that it is being picked up. To solve that problem i just play with a floating thumb technique and just use my left and right hand to mute strings that are not being plucked, solves the problem really well.

But i might consider bringing my bass to a pro luthier. Suspected culprits could be a improper nut(job)...no pun intended lol or strings not sitting well in the bridge.

I'm considering upgrading my nut and bridge anyway so maybe this might minimise sympathetic vibrations.

Hope this helps.
