This is a gig against greedy organisers,Support local music the right way!

screw pay to play. im reposting this gig because i dont think many ppl grasped the whole point of this gig. it's against greedy organisers, bands get paid evenly and if you support gigs being like this, come on down and show ur support, by paying for entrance at the door for 7 bucks, no tix just chops.

THIS WEDNESDAY @ THE BLACKHOLE >>>SYMPATHY FOR THE PILGRIM (a rock and roll act against greedy organisers)

this is without the efforts of any "organiser" whatsoever.. this is a joint band to band effort. come on down and show ur support and if the support is overwhelming, we may even invest in a free gig, where everyone can just sit around and enjoy the music and have fun.

rmbr this is where musicians get credited because they deserve to be credited. not "organisers" who go around telling bands to sell 20 tix, and the bands get nothing while the organisers run away with all the profit. this is not how the local music scene shd be. its organisers like thse who discourage musicians to come up and go for gigs.

organise our own and we shall thrive. support this movement by coming down to the blackhole at 7 pm. to catch the first band the silent killers
followed by zeta, and then the roses and I\D and lastly walkwayz.

it's an all rock and roll event, expect beatles, oasis, king crimson, jimi hendrix, U2, cream, red hot chili peppers covers

and some bands are doing their own originals and even some more recent music like muse and so on. it's a night of diverse rock and roll, so lets make it a blast and celebrate local music the right way.

event page with hendrix/zeppelin influenced poster:

our posters can also be found at certain places like beat merchant studios, at the blackhole itself and many more places.

any suggestions to where rock and rollers thrive and crave for rock and roll served raw?
well,its about time I guess.

I was once criticized about my share cost-share profit concept here.

But now I see more and more bands are doing their own gigs. Bravo.
If you want it done right, I guess you have to do it yourself.

Do it for the music.
ok i feel a lot of emotions put into the topic post, understandably so. but that is usually a sign of over-simplification of the details involved.

rather than zero-ing in on the dollars flow, do take into account the "knowledge", "time" and "opportunity" costs involved on the part of the organisers.

i'll prefer to say that without one organising body making a "profit" for the work to put this together, this concept will not sustain itself simply bcos it just would not be worth the time and effort to put this together.

topic starter: in 2 years time when someone asks "hey what happened to that series of gigs you set-up against greedy organisers?" your answer would probably go: "ah it just wasn't worth my time and effort. some of the bands took it for granted, the audience numbers were not large enough, and my team members started leaving bcos they all gradually became more "busy" with their other commitments."
i thought of tt too. but even if it fails or wtv, i'll be glad we tried. and it might be the last time we can perform as a band till the o levels are over. so why not?
The same could be said for bands that play at gigs, which they are usually not paid for. They spend their money, time and effort to perform with nothing but the possible support of their fans as a reward, which can only sustain them for so long. Many bands could also stop playing at gigs simply because it just would not be worth the time and effort.
wel.. haha i dont really dig muse coz its so so overhyped butoasis seems ok. the 2nd band's gonna be doing muse and oasis, first band not too sure. and i noe 4th band mostly doing originals, they initially wanted to a kiing crimson song, but dunno if they will. our band's gonna be doing hendrix,mudhoney and U2. hope to seee u guys there.
You see here, TS. The pay to play gigs. You know, it takes two hands to clap, no? If there are no bands who want to join, there wouldn't be gig organisers for that.

Pay to play? The bands sell tickets, no? And they take part of the takings, no? Or is it that they straightly pay and get nothing back? It's the same, there's a gig. SOMEONE has to sell tickets, otherwise depend on door sales. So, it's either the organiser or the bands.

Isn't it the same? You pay someone to manage the gig (bookings, manage timings, admin stuff) OR you pay the bookings and other expenses yourself. In the end, YOU HAVE TO PAY. The organiser is the middleman. They are event organisers. If you don't want them, do follow them, don't join them. To what extend they manage, that thing is sorted out between people involved. You don't count takings and make takings to costs ratio and flame the middleman for making too much profit.

The organisers act as the middleman, the event organiser, event manager, whatever. It's like you wanna buy something. It's definitely cheaper if you can buy from the source than the middleman (dealers etc). So? It's the same. You pay the middleman, cause they do something, what they do is another matter. You still make the choice either to go through them or not. They are not bad, they are just undesirable for those who wanna save money and DIY.

In conclusion:

- If you're good, popular and/or demanded, you will get paid.
- Otherwise, you pay. (Be it DIY or through gig organisers, you still pay)
- Bands can make the choice.
- No tickets, then you better promote the gig well to expect door sales.
- Tickets, then you better have alot of fren/fans to psycho.
- Don't know/want to book, manage = pay organisers.

I'm just glad my first gig, I got paid. But I don't diss these organisers. Because I have choices, I make them.

That aside, I'd like to come to the gig cause the bands cover some of my favorite bands. Hehe.
agreed. but i still think a band's effort is important, and they shd be motivated for their first gigs too. tonight's gig was really fun, organising it by ourselves made us have fun, like really we went wild. we didnt earn much. only like 50 bucjks per band, but still its something and for a first ever organised play and get paid gig, it was well worth it. some bands were great today. e.g. the silent killers who played covers of ac/dc, pink floyd and hendrix and also walkwayz who did covers of rock u like a hurricane, immigrantsong (i think the singer pulled it off well), and burn by purple was frking awesome. and I\d showcased something more different, being progressive and adventurous on thier own, harold was nice to talk to and we really had fun.
ah crap, i missed it cuz of last min christmas present shopping. any live footage? can post them on youtube for us to see!

hey/ glad to hear that u guys like the the bands to cover. dunno if u'd like our covers. . ill try contact the other bands to post their vids on youtube, as for our band yea we'll post it there asap, but if u guys have to criticise please use constructive criticism, our sound mixing was off though, the vocals were too soft, sound guy wasnt there when we needed him. but it was fun all together.
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The same could be said for bands that play at gigs, which they are usually not paid for. They spend their money, time and effort to perform with nothing but the possible support of their fans as a reward, which can only sustain them for so long. Many bands could also stop playing at gigs simply because it just would not be worth the time and effort.

once again everything has to be about money. maybe that's what's wrong with bands here. they HAVE to see some kind of monetary gain. what about making/playing music because it's fun? i pity the bands/musicians that do not feel the satisfaction of creating beautiful sounds out of nothing until they see some form of financial reward.
its not about the money dude. its also about the encouragement organisers shd be giving bands. i've been to many pay to play gigs, and we basically had only 10 of our guests just watching us, and the organiser didnt invite anyone else.. like i think, its not like "who wants honey as long as there's money" kind of shit.. but i think musicians in singapore, shd be encouraged by money, coz sometimes they dont get the joy of the audience coz they aren't good enough or they've seen the same things too many times and all, and they would persevere to do better, and pay to play just gets on my nerves,coz i see so much moeny going to organisers, when most of the organisers who organised the gigs we went to, simply did not promote the gig enough, we organised this gig, and being an organiser isnt as tiring as getting ready as a band. we're just saying bands shd enjoy themselves and also be paid coz they deserve it.. the amount of profit doesnt matter. each band only earned 45 bucks fyi.. but we were all happy coz we were having fun.
fruscianteisjesus, many like you have come and gone. I only hope you are the one who will continue. Do update us regularly of your gigs.

When is the next one?

$45 is not bad for 30mins of performing.
once again everything has to be about money. maybe that's what's wrong with bands here. they HAVE to see some kind of monetary gain. what about making/playing music because it's fun? i pity the bands/musicians that do not feel the satisfaction of creating beautiful sounds out of nothing until they see some form of financial reward.

It is definitely not about the money. But bands should be compensated for their time and effort. Most bands actually lose money because of gigs because of money spent rehearsing at jamming studios. Organisers don't have to give all the profit to the bands but could share it equally with all the bands.