The strat


New member
The strat. Everyone has it. Everyone's got a strat. Do you think that makes it worth less, and makes it less of a big deal?
everybody owns one but not everybody puts one to good use... it's one of those guitars that'll make you sound good regardless if you know how to play properly...
Strats are just nice, i love strats. Can't get enough of strats. I don't get what you mean by saying it's worth less cause many people use it sure but it's not really the guitar dude, it's the playing.
I know that

I know that it doesn't make it worth any less, I was just thinking though, tis not a special thing to have a strat anymore the same way it used to be. I mean its still a special instrument but its not that kind of thing that you only see the top people with and everyone would like it but can't have it.

I've started with a strat too. I'm not saying its not right, I'm just saying its not like that anymore.
gordonzz said:
yea i love strats.. but the tuning and the bridge is makin me givin up... :lol:

You can replace the tuning peg if yours the cheaper range copy, these are normally poor performance type.

I suspect your vintage bridge is floating, thats why the tuning is a bitch. If the bridge at tune is just nice in lock position is ok, should be so if you do not use the tremolo. A floating vintage bridge gets out of tune very fast. I suggest send it in for readjustment.
Aman said:
The strat. Everyone has it. Everyone's got a strat. Do you think that makes it worth less, and makes it less of a big deal?

Hehe... I'm totally ANTI-STRAT!!!! :twisted:
Re: I know that

Aman said:
I know that it doesn't make it worth any less, I was just thinking though, tis not a special thing to have a strat anymore the same way it used to be. I mean its still a special instrument but its not that kind of thing that you only see the top people with and everyone would like it but can't have it.

I've started with a strat too. I'm not saying its not right, I'm just saying its not like that anymore.

Well if you're talking about exclusivity, there are still strats which are considered collectors editions (read: exorbitantly over-priced).

In any case, since when was it considered "special" to have a strat? i think it has been around in many variations, both cheap as well as hi-end, over the decades man... any illusions of being special by owning a strat are entirely your own. :roll:

No offence bro, but to me, a strat (esp your first one) will still be special to you no matter how many other ppl own it.
Strat rocks! I started with Strats, realise it was thin sounding, changed to Les Pauls, Ibanez, yada yada... and PRS. I suddenly realise I needed a strat. Nothing can get that strat sound.
mikemann said:
gordonzz said:
yea i love strats.. but the tuning and the bridge is makin me givin up... :lol:

You can replace the tuning peg if yours the cheaper range copy, these are normally poor performance type.

I suspect your vintage bridge is floating, thats why the tuning is a bitch. If the bridge at tune is just nice in lock position is ok, should be so if you do not use the tremolo. A floating vintage bridge gets out of tune very fast. I suggest send it in for readjustment.

if i were to get another strat.. it would be one with lockin bridge.. otherwise.. i rather go for those like les paul :wink:
Locking as in floyd rose tremolo?? Still the same, if one string breaks, all goes outta tune. But it does hold a tuning pretty well, except changing strings and tuning takes about 3 times as long as with normal bridge.

You can always jam a trem bridge to make it like fixed bridge.
Strats are imo one of the most comfortable guitars to play with. I think that every guitar player should at least own a strat :D Don't ask me why cause i'm also not sure why i have that thought.
strats are like good quality instant noodle which cost say around $1.80 and its those kind u just need to put water in and wait.. and its bloody tasty.. =D
dhalif said:
strats are like good quality instant noodle which cost say around $1.80 and its those kind u just need to put water in and wait.. and its bloody tasty.. =D

lol nice one..
dhalif said:
strats are like good quality instant noodle which cost say around $1.80 and its those kind u just need to put water in and wait.. and its bloody tasty.. =D

hahahaa... i do want a strat at $1.80!
where got $1.80, maybe $180 instant noodle la

i dont really fender strats, not thick enough for distortion(thats why i was considering those 2 humbuckers pickups if im gonna get a strat) but i do prefer the telecasters tho...has that nice twangy sound to it :)

to all strat experts out the mexican strat value for money? i saw one that's around $800...... ya that cheap
I've always liked the necks on Mex strats, to be honest i think for 800 its definitely worth the money. But kinda hard to find for that price in singapore even for a mexican or jap strat. I guess my strat got so modified that only the body remains. Bridge change to Floyd Rose, pickups to fender and bridge change to hot rails, neck change to jumbo .... Only the body is original .... Even the pickguard i gonna decorate abit, maybe paste a sticker of a cat.
Hey guitarnub, you saw that mex strat at davis? or swee lee?

I recall i saw a std mex strat in a guitar shop in KL going for about SGD750.