Some sweeping plus a riff


New member
Hey guys! I recently did alot of work on my sweep picking technique and it sounds awesome man!

Just need to know wether I'm doin' it right..

What's in there are major, minor and diminished arpeggios all in the key of D minor.

Thanks for viewing and I look forward to your critique and comments!

Peter ;)
I dare say that I nailed the technique, but it's something which "comes and goes" as it pleases, maybe my hands have a mind of their own *gasp*

All that working of the muscle memory have drove them nuts I guess haha..
I lowered my gain to 12 o' clock cuz I didn't want a lot of distortion ruin my lead tone. Hence the thin sound. Should I have used more distortion? I began using a lot less since some people claim that I sound damn sloppy with lots of gain.
you must really dig into accuracy training when you start to lower down gain as it will also make you sound sloppy if not done right..
I dare say that I nailed the technique, but it's something which "comes and goes" as it pleases, maybe my hands have a mind of their own *gasp*

All that working of the muscle memory have drove them nuts I guess haha..

technique wise there is still improvement to be made.....dont try for it up with a metronome...with sweep picking arpeggios...accuracy is the key...
u need to work on the flow of ur sweep man. ur right hand going down, make sure u are sweeping every note.. not strumming, and while u do that with your right hand. make sure it sync with ur left, meaning each time your right hand hits on a string, be sure ur left hand is there to hold a note, when u transit to the next note, make sure the previous note is muted. repeat the cycle at a slow pace. same goes for ur up stroke sweeping. but muting is now changed to ur left fretted hand.

and all u have to do now. is practice practice and more practice...

hope it helps peter! rock on!
I like your rhythm part before you start sweeping. Improvement is needed on your sweeping though. I need to improve on mine too. Good try! ;)
The part where I sweep from A major to D minor is really hard. I started with an upstroke then downstroked on D minor. The hard part for me is when I fingeroll I can't mute the unwanted strings therefore I use alot of my right hand to do it.

And hey Simon! Thanks for the encouragement! I've been practicing a hell lot on this technique and it's sorta okay now. The thing is that my finger rolling isn't working out. For the major and minor shapes, no matter what I do, I can't get the unwanted noises outta my sweeps. Even when I palm down those strings to mute them I can still hear them ringing out like some sick f***.
