Rust on strings

use WD40 to clean ur strings, they work damm good on metals as i have tried.
maybe ur strings will be even cleaner!

it really does remove rust fast
whats wd40? isit one of those crazy sink cleaners like mr muscle? sure itll remove rust, but i kinda hav the feeling its gonna eat into your strings like siao
maybe you should consider using stainless steel strings.

not that the wont rust but they last way longer then your nickel.

particularly try the curt mangans stainless steels.

they last your very long. only down side your fretboard wear compromises.
just a word of caution- WD40 isn't the recommended fluid to come into contact with porous wood (eg: rosewood)...
Hi, if you are comfotable , you might like to try to place a dehuhumidifier inside your room.

However the downside is the price concern and place taken.

It will slow down the rusting process .
re_unknown, wd40 + wood = hell. and its bloody oily. almost like engine grease.

devilman, dehumidifiers would work better if your doors and windows are closed all the time, and singapore weather isnt quite condisive for us to do that, unless we on the aircon all day. that'd mean monster powerbills.

so if you dont like seeing so much rust, get those packeted dehumidifiers and put em in the case with your guitar.
Yeah- I use those little non-edible packets found in snacks n stuff!
I dunno how long it lasts though.. Is the stuff inside silicon or something?
just a joke :
"for thoose of you who love shiny guitar polishes with that super-smooth feel... use our all new... WD40!"

not its not mr muscle or sink cleaner... its like a kinda oil which LUBRICATES o.o and removes rust powerfully.

just make sure its not touched on u're wood or its a bye bye!
Actually, WD40 is designed to protect from rust, as well as a degreasing cleaner (WD = Water Displacement), not a lubricant. There is only a small amount of mineral oil in it and it dries up fast. It's like kerosene, disolves heavy oil.
hmm..i disagree with that.

as in its not a is.

" It cleans, protects, penetrates, lubricates and displaces moisture like no other product on earth."

taken from
i think the best value for money set of strings are D'addario's normal 10s or 9s... its because of the hexagonal core of the wound strings... even if it rust (only the core rust cuz its steel), the rust have space to fill the gaps between the 6 flat surfaces of the hexagonal strings and the wound nickel...

for other brands where the wound strings are round and touching the wound nickel coil, when it rusts, the rust would build out of the coil and u'll see ur wound bass strings as if the nickel outside were rusting (but its not the case, its the steel core, nickel don' rust, they just oxidise to a dull silver)

there's no cheat for treble unwound strings though...