Reviving my guitar playing

+1 to the snark tuner. I just bought one and it tracks so fast and accurately. Even better than the pitchblack IMO. and I may just buy your FD900 off you Justin, hehe
If I can't use the eq as a booster then I use an of pedal like the common tubescreamer or something of that sort?

A TS is an overdrive so practically, it will add more gain and compression as opposed to a stand-up volume boost.
If you want a booster, get a booster then! At this stage, however, would you be performing much? If no, then you can postphone the purchase of a booster till you're actively performing. That way you can invest in better pedals for the other categories, rather than buying 'half-way there' pedals for everything.

If you need a booster, I recommend the Retro-Sonic Boost/Preamp pedal. Very VERY important for my shows as a volume boost, and in a more constrained studio environment, it is used as a tone sculptor in getting that glassy Vox chime. TY is offloading these at $150 at the moment as opposed to the high price tag of $240 I think.