reviews on MXR pedals

I just recently obtained the MXR M-80 to replace my Hartke Bass Attack , which I didn't like at all as it over-coloured my tone. That was why I didn't go for the Sansamp BDDI also. The MXR M-80 is a great tone-shaping tool, it has a MIDS control! Neither the Hartke nor the BDDI has this; what an overlook by those two! The distortion isn't really useful as of now, I'm still in the process of tweaking around to obtain an useable sound out of the distortion, too buzz-sawy. You can somewhat cop a more controllable Russian Big Muff tone out of it but it doesn't really sound similliar. I like the color function that the distortion channel automatically has as it gives an added versatility as using that as a slap channel, which is really awesome. I do wish sometimes that I could turn that off to better customize the distortion tone, but then again nothing is ever perfect.

Just my two cents.
i don't think the distortion is warm enough for the m80 to be used as a distortion pedal. it's probably meant to add a little bit of grit to the clean tone. it's quite effective in cutting through loud and heavy situations; a tinge of buzz-saw should do well to cut through the guitar's heavy distortion
i saw this band play live and the dirty bass was a charm. all the bassist used was a m80 and a DT-10
The M-80 isn't the same as the M-181 Blowtorch. Btw, shinobi I agree with you, it isn't a particuarly effective dist. on its own. I primarily got it for a great EQ/DI box.
LOL, i was begining to wonder why i couldn't get that sort of sound out that day when i tried...

looks lyk i misread, haha.
for the Hartke Bass Attack, use the bass, treb and brite knobs. If you want to adjust mids, you can use the Shape knob to select the mid frequency you want, then add harmonics knob to round off the tone.

the sadowsky pre-amp also don't have mid-rage adjustment. I remember he said that the tone has worked for them so there's no point putting a mid knob. Also, that when people crank the bass and treb, it results in mid-scooped tone that will cut through the band settings. so they just left it as that.
To me at least, without my mids, I cannot cut through the mix. What makes my P sound so good in a mix is due to it's strong mids. I'd take a transparent M-80 over a "colorful" Sansamp any day as it doesn't take my mids away drastically. Try doing a search over a TB as they did a technical analysis of the severity of the mid-cut on the Sansamp or like-minded pedals like the Hartke.

I didn't like them but that's only a personal opinion.
i like my mids for precisely the same reasons, but my weapon of choice is a J... i love the bright midrange and i'm not particularly concerned about boominess. and i hate fiddling with EQ everywhere, especially on stuff that i don't own and am not familiar with.

i like simple preamps. this way i know the tonal integrity of my bass is intact. if i preamp is good why would they compensate it with so many tone shaping controls?

but then again there's the other extreme of the preamp being so transparent that the price tag is hard to justify. i think it was bro iverson and his aguilar
MXR El Grande

I just got myself a MXR El Grande Fuzz. I'll tell you about the sound quality when I try it. Hehe.
El Grande

My friend was in the US for holiday. So I shipped it to her place and she brought back for me. Hehe.
man, mine's still in shipping. let us know what 'vintage fuzz' is supposed to sound like. there were talkbass clips but they sucked
el grande is good.try it .it has a good low has also a deep control.u can engage it to make it more low end.u also can customise the effect of the deep control.but the most thing i like it is the blue led.awesome...:-D
blue is cool, but i'll prefer purple anytime.
lol,i shall save up for it now ( togehter with all the other stuff i wan, i think i'll get this onli lyk at the end of next yr =[=[)
MXR El Grande Review

Okay here's the review:


I have never come across a fuzz pedal with as much low ends as the El Grande. Here's what it does. There are three knobs with different functions, namely volume, tone, and fuzz. The volume knob speaks for itself; while the tone controls the amount of brightness you want in the sound, and fuzz for the fuzzy white noise you want. While it does not give you as much control over the accent of the fuzz with just these knobs, the beauty of the El Grande is in the following: the 'deep' switch.

This switch lets you choose between the regular fuzzed up sound OR fuzzed up sound with a monstrous amount of low end. What results in the end after pushing the switch is the sound of two bass guitars, one in natural low bassy tone and the other in mad fuzz mode.

On top of the above, there's an internal switch that lets you choose if you want the extra bass boost at 87hz or up to 113hz (in a variation of + or - 15hz). The pedal comes in the factory setting of 113hz boost.

I tried to change the settings to try out, but here's the ugly part. The fact that it is made of die-cast steel means an extremely sturdy, fortified, protective casing. That's includes the screws used to seal up the base and the case. I tried to unscrew the casing, and it was tight. After opening two screws, here's what happened to my screwdriver.



Other than the blue LED on the on/off indicator and 'deep' switch, this petite pedal actually looks like a boutique equipment (and I'd like to think it is). Matt finish and the "El Grande" in la-classique style. The pedal runs on a 9v battery (which you have to unscrew the pedal each time you want to change batteries, but I'm not ready to buy so many screwdrivers), or via a 9v adaptor. The pack also contains the warranty card (kinda useless in Singapore without an existing distributor), 2 MXR catalogues (for pedals and crybabies), an MXR DC Brick info card and the Instructional Card.

In total I paid SGD$122.00, shipping free as my friend brought it back from the USA for me. I'd say I got a deal at that price, considering the satisfaction in sound in the end. Alright, enough said, here's my new darling ready for the pedal train:



Highly recommended pedal for Muse lovers.
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ok, i'm definitely buying it after reading,

but i wonder what the price would be in singapore man...

oh yeah, just to add, is it possible for the post to be moved to the bass review section?
would benefit a lot of pple. =]=]
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