Recommendations for Acoustic Amp


New member
Hi softies,

I'd like to ask for recommendations on acoustic amp.

I've searched the forums and I couldn't find any info I want. Most people ask for recommendations for electric guitar amps, which I believe is different from what I wanted.

Anyway, background of myself. I have been playing guitar for five years, and recently I decided to sell off all electric guitar equipment and focus on acoustic guitar.

My style of playing is on fingerstyle. Music influence is by Kotaro Oshio/Andy Mckee. That's the kind of genre I'd like to explore.

I need an acoustic guitar amp with reverb (chorus is a good to have but not compulsory). Hopefully it'd amplify my tappings and harmonics. Ultimately, it is for further practice.

I'd just require one for bedroom practice. But if price does not differs a lot, I don't mind getting a more powerful amp so I can bring it to school/church if needed.

Budget: $300 - $500

Also, does penin or brasbasah sell amp at better prices?

Thanks loads!

cheap & cheerful. i even use it for hollow/ semi-hollow guitars :)

cheap & cheerful. i even use it for hollow/ semi-hollow guitars :)

May I know what is this model? Is it exclusively for acoustic guitars?

stormage said:
I think can check out brands like aer from city music, gen Benz from BGW good stuff

Aer and gen Benz? I'd go and explore. Thanks!
Is there a brand that makes consistently good quality amps? I'd like to use them as benchmarks.

What does BGW stands for?
For benchmarks aer is really good. Tommy emmanuel himself uses an aer compact 60. Prices normally start at around $1000 though. Since they're really good and last a long time, they rarely appear on the used market ( buy and sell) area and if they do, they are usually quickly sold. They're compact size allows them to be easily transported to your school/church.

For home usage the yamaha thr 5a would be within your price range around (300-400)and has some great preamp features, sounds preety decent to boot. Has reverb and compressor as well. Compressor effect would be great for bringing out the tapping and harmonics. Main drawback is that it dosen't have a di out. Purchasable at sound alchemy singapore. To use for performance easiest way is to put a mic in front of the amp. Some videos done by others: