Qn> Fender Telecaster 72 Thinline RI in SG


New member
Is the Fender Telecaster 72thinline available in Singapore? I dont recall seeing it @ sweelee, does anyone or has anyone seen it at a local store. Really keen to pick one up for myself.

i doubt it is... i made an enquiry not long ago about sweelee teles, and Jai, the person IC of sims drive told me the prices of the 72 custom, the thinline tele and the FMT, but didnt tell me about the custom deluxe..
i'm into humbucking teles too..

this guitar used to be vailable @ swee lee, i tried it @ bras basah showroom. if memory serves me right, it listed for $1.4k

why not acquire a regular tele & humbuck it subsequently?
I don't see that at Swee Lee when I went there last week. But saw the 72' custom Tele (humbucker neck/single coil bridge) instead...Been there for a loooong time at the price of at least 2+K if my memory serves me right :lol:

Hmm...is the one Sub mentioned a MIM or something? Cos 1.4K for a US deluxe sounds too good a deal!
Last week, SL at Bras Basah brought in a 3 tone sunburst 72 tele deluxe from their warehouse. Just one piece left. not a bad guitar at all, but i don't think sunburst on this piece really looks good. the walnut finish (MIM reissue) and natural finish (American FSR for Japan only) is sweet though.

sub, i reckon the look and feel of the (original) 72 tele is one of the reasons why people love it - the oversized seth lover wide range humbuckers, large strat headstock and positioning of the pickup selector and vol/tone knobs - all contribute to the distinctive and attractive look of this model.

For the reissue however, the pickups have been redesigned with alnico instead of cunife magnets - considerably different sound apparently. You could either pay about US$350 PER original wide range pickup on ebay, or switch to 1 meg or 500k pots on the reissue - they say the tone opens up and becomes a little more authentic. the 12" radius neck and medium jumbo frets are a nice touch which most modern players should find more comfortable.

no prizes for guessing what my next acquisition's gonna be.
Danelectrico...go for it! ;) Mine's a 72' custom tele reissue (CIJ) and I've acquired an original 1973 Seth Lover humbucker pickup from ebay and changed its pots to 1meg as well. I must say that the reissue seth lover pickups on the current custom/deluxe tele don't sound a tad bad but somewhat just lack some 'oomph' compared to the vintage ones.

Here's mine before installation:

And after:


P.s I just checked on ebay and those 70s seth lover humbuckers have increased their price to US$475 per pickup! 8O
elias...dude, that's one sweet pickup and a very nice guitar to boot.

yeah i just looked, the ebay prices of seth lover WR pickups have gone past ridiculous now. if i get an MIM deluxe and those WRs, it'll be ironic knowing the pickups cost more than the rest of the guitar.

i tried the CIJ 72 custom at g77 some days ago. nice guitar but i found the neck pickup really muted and kinda muddy - i reckon those are the 250k pots at work. nice for jazz noodling though. i'd probably try a 1 meg pot in that.

this thread is not helping. now the only question is, to spring for an MIM FSR arctic white or American FSR Japan market only olympic white? and there's that Ceriatone JTM45 clone i need as well. damn.
this tele used to be numero uno repulsion in the Fender realm, however, due to the vintage itch extending into the 70s domain, it's in fashion. i'm the type who's indifferent to the 'reissue' products period, as these are (more often than not) riding on hype more than the urgency to strive for accuracy. however, i'm easily intrigued by humbucking Teles, the reason for this acquisition:

different folks different strokes.

the squire tele may not have that "vibe" of a 72 deluxe.

That said, if I were to buy it'll either be the MIJ.
that really does look like a nice guitar sub. now if only it had the oversized headstock... :) have you changed out your pickups like you said you might?

i've got no affinity for reissues, frankly i could care less if they followed the specs down to the last millimetre, it'll still just be a replica. as long as it plays and sounds good...and i'm quite partial to modern accoutrements like medium jumbo frets and 9.5" + radius necks, so bring on the young moderns! after all they'll be tomorrow's vintage guitars.

edder: you're right, the JTM45 will probably be more useful than yet another plank with strings...but you can't caress an amp head like you do a guitar, heheh. having said that, nik ceriatone did say that it has the nicest cleans out of all his amps...and judging by nels cline's awesome tone (and playing) over the latest Wilco (alot of it recorded on an original JTM45), i think he might be on to something there.
Plexis with their original specs are awesome stuff. Good thing is, you only need one good amp with acceptable cleans and drive to get a good sound.

The foreign folks at TPDRI typically claim that the MIJ teles are good in construction, with not so good electronics. I don't know how true is that, but that can be a consideration. You could easily change electronics but not fix up the construction of the guitar though.
if they're talking the stock japanese pickup... then there may be some truth to it... but those that comes with but USA pickups... hmmmmm.

selectors/pots/jacks.... ok wat... wots the problem? just because it doesn't read CTS/Switchcraft doesn't mean that it'll stink.
yeah i saw the tele 72 custom at SL for awhile already. its like 2k+, the setup on it is bad, and the pickups lack oomph.

I saw a MIJ olympic white/cream 72 custom with tortoise shell pickguard at G77 quite awhile ago, i went g77 to enquire, and they have no more 72 custom's in stock =/.

Looking to get a nice 72 custom in black/sunburst, and change out the humbucker to a shure ssv+ and the bridge to a dimarzio Virtual T or something.

If Anybody sees anymore 72 tele customs around, let me know!
-> Danelectrico: the pickups in my Squier are still stock, i'm looking at a pair of TESLA for this swap. no hurry in the mean time...