Progressive metalcore local band Enesya Looking for Guitarist!!!

Progressive metal band Enesya looking for guitarists

Jethro here, bassist of local progressive metal band Enesya

We're looking for guitarist that is willing to commit his/her time.

Our influences are
- Northlane
- Architects
- Whitechapel
- While She Sleeps

These are just some of our main influence.

Here's some of the new stuffs that we're working on.

Drop me a message if you're keen.
Progressive metal band Enesya looking for guitarists

Jethro here, bassist of local progressive metal band Enesya

We're looking for guitarist that is willing to commit his/her time.

Our influences are
- Northlane
- Architects
- Whitechapel
- While She Sleeps

These are just some of our main influence.

Here's some of the new stuffs that we're working on.

Drop me a message if you're keen.