New Danelectro Pedals 08 - Cool Cat Series

just checked out ebay

average prices of pedals are s$50-$70
Shipping goes for around us$30
The pedal board is around s$95 without shipping
Anyone has any idea will any of our local dealer will bring this series in? Eg. Yamaha? since they have been bringing in Danelectro pedals for quite sometime ..

Ebay is good alternative, however i would rather use that shipping cost to get another dan pedal locally..:mrgreen:

guess i'll wait a while more for the series to hit our shore then...;)
True bypass means that it won't interfere with ur guitar's original if my pedal is not true bypassed, i will experience tone loss..
True bypass means that it won't interfere with ur guitar's original if my pedal is not true bypassed, i will experience tone loss..

not exactly. godspeed kinda explained that on the last page. your whole pedalboard being true bypass will probably result in more tone loss than a mix of buffered and true bypass pedals.