Musiciansfriend - 14x6 porkpie acrylic

i think it's a real good deal ah.... i think i wanna get an acrolite too if the sound is right...

lennat bring for next next meetup ah.. :D.. the badge looks awesome...
Naz, I'm not rich. I'm just one of those swingingly single, selfish kids who only cares for my own enjoyment in life at the moment. Anyone of one you can afford whatever little things I have, it just depends on whether you want to spend on that or not. Some of you are cymbals and drum kits pimps. I just go for the snares and that's it. :)

The '70s/'80s acrolites range from $50 - $200 USD depending on condition. So they are indeed quite affordable. Cheaper than the modern black galaxy acrolites too. :)