LOUD & WILD 2007 L Cube Studio *Cancelled*


New member
Hi all,

My friend and I are keen to organize a gig for budding alternative/punk rock band to showcase their talent, as well as for friends to get together and enjoy the songs of the bands..

Location of the gig will be @ L Cube Studio, the suite room. Preferably next month during the March holidays.

We are targetting 5 bands to play, 2 of which will be my band, Knightsfall and his band, Slathe. We need 3 more bands to get the gig going.

Minimum requirement : Sell 20 tickets (as usual), only this time, tickets will be priced @ $5 only (drinks included).

A $1 rebate to the band for every ticket sold (though it might not be alot, but i do hope it could help u guys earn some part-time bucks).

Each band will be given 35 minutes to play & setup :) Abit spillover here and there is okie..

Interested parties pls contact me via pm, sms, msn etc. Thanks.
Hi guys,

Pls include :-

Band name :

Genre :

Contact person :

Contact number :

Email address :

Website :

Thanks alot. Help support local music.
so many responses aleadi.. yeah, if it turns out well, i might turn it into a monthly event for new local bands to showcase their talent..

u dun have to be good to be performing.. this platform allows u to train ur stage presence/interaction skills before u hit higher ground..
Yeah.. By the way guys, due to overwhelming response, I will serve those bands who contacted me 1st..

I got all ur band details, so I might be able to place u guys on the waiting list for the next gig event if this event turns out well..
Alrite people.. I got enough bands running..

Do check this space out regularly..

I will arrange a band meeting after CNY if u guys dun mind :)
yeah.. their drummer happens to be my church mate.. ruben chong..

Lineup should be confirmed..

2. The Smudge
3. The Cakes
4. Ashdown
5. Slathe
6. Knightsfall

:) I will keep u guys posted.. Meanwhile for those bands who are keen, pls send in ur band details. I will see if I can slot u guys for the next event.
no.. keep it coming in..

i am hoping to start a monthly gig as well, to cater for bands to get their music heard, as well as not to be burdened with selling highly priced tickets.

if this event turns out well, i might consider roping in more new bands to do this gig.. gradually when the fund starts accumulating, we can collaborate and move to larger venues.
OMG ! RUBEN ! HAHAS. omg. when did he confirm ? he didn't even tell his bandmates ! tsk. i tmr go school ask him. anyway. our paths really cross like siao. ahhas !
i'm damn shock to see his name him. i'm gonna question him tmr first thing in the morning. anyway its 200 years of lust :)
yea. most likely to innova jc.the soundman(SK) which own StageCrew Studios said we were good.he told us the judges doesn't like screaming.its like this in singapore market. thanks man. would like to see your band perform on stage too ! got video ? hahas.
no videos up yet..

some tips - the vocalist should learn to project his voice cuz its a little kiddish the way he sings, but i am cool with it & there is a proper technique to scream as well, not the anyhow scream type..

maybe u guys wanna consider getting a new vocalist so ur guitarist can play his riffs proficiently..

also, not much action from the bassist & 2nd guitarist since they not singing, maybe @ least swing abit here and there or utilize the big stage.. oh man, how i crave for the big stage..

lastly, ur drummer is a monkey :lol:
yea. i wanted to move. but i couldn't ! seriously was quite nervous. so i rather play well than executing moves. its our first time. much too learn :D thanks for the comments anyway ! true. ruben is a monkey. i will help u pass the message. HAHA !