"It's time to zhng this guitar, buuut...."

SherT said:
On lah bro. Next week when I finish my papers, ROTI PRATA ON ME! :lol:


Anything man, anything.

meet up lah.. jam jam.. jeng jeng... find out if Shredcow is as ass-y as he is online! :lol:
BTW, how do i wire up a kill switch?.. just wondering. with the button like shredcows, how am i supposed to wire it up?
Black_Death said:
ask shred to do la..

haha..since sherT treating him prata..u treat him kopi la..or fish head curry..

or guitar strings.

I've not been "practising" with my soldering iron for a long time. Best to get someone else more proficient.

Just note, if you are starting out, DIY-ing is usually, and actually, more expensive than going to a tech.
more expensive..is it due to the cost of parts?

or due to mistakes made..den have to fork out money to rectify bla bla bla?
Pictures as mentioned yesterday;


The two insulated black wires are wired through to the pickups through slots. This is effectively the only cavity in the body that has any excess room to stuff more electronics into.

I'm thinking along the lines of what blueark mentioned yesterday. I'll probably take out one tone and rewire the other as a master, but first I have to go take a close look at the wiring and see how it's hooked up. Either that or I'll probably just send it somewhere to have it done professionally. :lol:


This thing is going to undergo a major overhaul once I'm done with the damn Os. I'm thinking of putting in a new bridge (haven't thought about what make yet) and maybe a set of war pigs, if I can scrape the cash.
nice a hamer, they make some pretty good guitars. what was wrong with the bridge?

i suggest you keep it, last i seen they were pretty ok, not much point spending extra dough unless u hated the looks of it.
hmm looks rather like those aria pro II's from the 80's..sweet axes they made back in the day..
im bringing this back up

i have a few questions for installing a killswitch

1.) what kind of momentary switch do i need? normally-closed or nomally-open? closed right?
2.) what ampere should i buy? i saw a 0.5A, 1.5A and 3A
3.) is there a way to install a switch w/o cutting the original wire? (like that volume to output jack cutting technique)
4.) do i really need a capacitor? i saw some diagrams w/o it

or should i just forget about all this and go to a tech? any guy you can recommend? and how much does it usually cost? thanks!
Wow old bump.

1) Normally open if you want it to do "press = kill, release = flow"
2) No need to bother, you will never overload it with a guitar signal.
3) Yes. In the simplest method, all you need is 2 wires to the output live and ground.
4) Nope you won't need one.

5) Depends if you have a hole in the guitar already to put the switch, and/or if you're confident in drilling one yourself.
thanks ark! :D

3) Yes. In the simplest method, all you need is 2 wires to the output live and ground.

so the other end goes to the switch right? might try this weekend first without drilling a hole