Is it better to enrol in a Guitar course?


New member
Hi, I'm just wondering how many of you here are a student of local guitar school? i'm thinking of enroling myself as i feel i can't progress further from learning here and there from the internet and books.

I used to play accostic but not the expert kind, i can play a few camp fire sing-along with my accostic guitar but im going into electric now and i really need to lern some riff, scales etc.

Does enroling myself in a school helps?

Please advice i need some input from fellow softies here.

Hi, I'm just wondering how many of you here are a student of local guitar school? i'm thinking of enroling myself as i feel i can't progress further from learning here and there from the internet and books.

I used to play accostic but not the expert kind, i can play a few camp fire sing-along with my accostic guitar but im going into electric now and i really need to lern some riff, scales etc.

Does enroling myself in a school helps?

Please advice i need some input from fellow softies here.


Hi there. A good school will surely help you. In addition, you can also take the exam and get the cert which will be useful if you are planning to teach. Academy Of Rock, Yamaha are good school with good teachers. But if you are into electric guitar, Academy Of Rock would be better. There you will be learning from Trinity College rock school syllabus. There are other schools too but I'm not sure about them.

Good Luck. :)
Hi there. A good school will surely help you. In addition, you can also take the exam and get the cert which will be useful if you are planning to teach. Academy Of Rock, Yamaha are good school with good teachers. But if you are into electric guitar, Academy Of Rock would be better. There you will be learning from Trinity College rock school syllabus. There are other schools too but I'm not sure about them.

Good Luck. :)


I went to AOR website but no course fee info can be found and also i realize they are too young kids orientated. On there website i see mostly pics of kids below 10 years old... what happened?

Anyplace to recommend that have students of say from teens to adults? man i don't want to feel that i'm in a childcare centre when im there. No offence bro:p
Hi, whether you buy video lessons, get a private instructor or learn from music school should help you get further. Since you already know the basics, I would advice you not to attend group classes. That will slow down your progress. Also, if you plan to take up 1 to 1 lessons from music school instructors, do find out if he can continue from where you left off or they have to follow strictly to the sillibus. Private lessons are more customizable, but to find a good instructor, luck will play a bigger part.

Btw, I compiled a series of video guitar lessons by many different instructors teaching from basic strumming to fingerstyle, chords, scales, tips and tricks, genres like classical, jazz, blues, country, metal etc. Email to for more details.

I went to AOR website but no course fee info can be found and also i realize they are too young kids orientated. On there website i see mostly pics of kids below 10 years old... what happened?

Anyplace to recommend that have students of say from teens to adults? man i don't want to feel that i'm in a childcare centre when im there. No offence bro:p

Its $100/4 lessons/45mins each if u have a buddy. Individual I not sure. Btw I'm 23 my friend is 27. We are both learning from there.

Why not check with Yamaha maybe its more better for you? But Yamaha timing is not as flexible as AOR, very important if you are working, especially in shift like me.

Also check other schools.

Btw in relation to Steady post, in AOR, your 1st lesson will be your assesment. If you already know basic, most probably you will skip debut, grade 1 and grade 2. You will be in grade 3 straight or which ever grade that fits your current level.