help also nid to get first electric guitar lolz


New member
hi as stated not that i wanna spam but my budget is different from the other guy who posted my budgets dam tight lyk 100-200+ max any package u guyz recommend or shud i top up a bit more for sumthing between 200-300 thanks in advance
Hi haha thanks juz picked up a acoustic guitar 2weeks ago wanna go for electric guitar now btw wat type songs u play? And how old are u? I'm 17 :)
Hey there! I've been learning for around 8mths. There's a "Beginner's Unite" thread. We sometimes have this gathering where some experienced guy teaches a bunch of newbies. Good if ur the self-learn type and u wanna know if ur doing it right
SX packages at Davis guitar.
Timbre packages at Standard value.
Craftsman packages at Citymusic (wait for their sale, don't know when)
Some 2nd hand stuff in the buy/sell market here.

I doubt you'll be able to buy the guitar and amp separately with that sort of budget. but I strongly recommend saving up for a better amp like a Roland cube or smth. From experience I can tell you that the SX amps are one of the shittiest amps around, I'd say they're just large computer speakers, so yeah.