Hardcore Metal bands

suffocation! haha, i absolutely loved "nocturnal" the new album by bdm. hey, check out decrepit birth and hate eternal, brutal death!
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Dragonforce FTW la. weird ass spamming shit with whammy bar.

i still stick to my Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Testament, Venom, Kreator, Racer X, Symphony X and CoB.

Or you can just listen to Outworld.
Bring me the horizon?
very shiok but my friend keep saying their just noisy pangsai. damn sad :(
can someone explain why metalcore is disliked by some?
i dont really get it
well i usually listen to metalcore cause they got some very technical and interesting riffs.maybe that is what you appreciate too.
Yes, and what is your point? There is no talk about how metal should sound like here. This thread is obviously about metalcore.

Just to add, being also a fairly occasional death metal listener, I find that some have the common mistake to associate metal with ONLY death and black metal.

The thread-starter should just call this thread, "Metalcore". Hardcore+Metal just sounds wrong. And with the rise of metalcore bands, it wouldn't hurt just by naming this thread 'Metalcore'.
Metal is not just Death and Black. You're right about that. That is only for those who feels that they can't accept the other sub-genres such as Doom (Singaporeans need to listen more to it rather than just go for brutal music..."), Power, Progressive, Folk/Viking.
okay whatever it is just keep tight and metal.you have your opinions i accept it.you may be smart but nobody gives a damn.stick to what this thread was sent out to do.suggestions to links of bands that keep people in this genre headbanging.
can someone explain why metalcore is disliked by some?
i dont really get it

Metalcore, in general, is a more mainstream act. Metalcore has influences from new genres of rock such as hardcore and post-hardcore, thus the name "metalcore". Metal purists will find it hard to accept it cos metalcore just doesn't feel like metal to them.

And I'm one of them. But I don't really boycott it. I'm just against it.
parkway drive
i killed the prom queen
shai hulud
as blood runs black
through the eyes of the dead
all that remains
a dozen furies
7 pound vein
the human abstract
a life once lost
stick to yours guns
sworn enemy

my personal metalcore favs xD
Metalcore, in general, is a more mainstream act. Metalcore has influences from new genres of rock such as hardcore and post-hardcore, thus the name "metalcore". Metal purists will find it hard to accept it cos metalcore just doesn't feel like metal to them.

And I'm one of them. But I don't really boycott it. I'm just against it.

against it as in,because its more mainstream or you dont like how it sounds?
Metalcore, in general, is a more mainstream act. Metalcore has influences from new genres of rock such as hardcore and post-hardcore, thus the name "metalcore". Metal purists will find it hard to accept it cos metalcore just doesn't feel like metal to them.

And I'm one of them. But I don't really boycott it. I'm just against it.

tbh, i dont know why metalcore is being so frowned upon...i mean, its still metal, right? okay, maybe the purists never considered it to be metal to start off with, but what other people think of it and what it really is, can sometimes be really different. and in this case, i think its true.

figure this out, listen to some so called "metalcore" acts...dont really know how you define "metalcore" or what bands are considered "metalcore" by your definition...dont tell me they have no metal influence. =/

thrash metal (slayer, metallica etc etc) has influences from hardcore punk as well...so why arent they called metalcore?

i listen to alot of stuff, i dont know if you want to call me a metal purist, i listen to alot of thrash, death etc etc...but i quite enjoy some metalcore acts as well.

and yea, you guessed it, im not against it...

anyways, no offence, just trying to state my opinion. cheers.
the only reason i can think of why metalcore is strongly disliked by all the trOO mEtAlHeAdS! *flairs devil's horn* is because all the xscenex xfashionxcorex xkidsx are in to metalcore and they will come to their shows wearing colourful tight pants and hardcore dance (although they arent good at it).
but for me it doesnt really matter who else listens to a band as long as its something i like, metalcore traces all the way up to bands like pantera and slayer, etc. metalcore is an equal fusion of metal and hardcore and its still metal. but different people have different preferances. i just cant really stand the deathcore thing.

and vheissu, yeah, i play guitar for a hardcore punk band called reckless landing
Yeah hate this and hate that. You all are a bunch of angry people. Haha.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

-Jimi Hendrix

Well anyways on a personal note, I would say Killswitch Engage would be my all time favourite band among the hundreds of bands in my playlist. Ever since the very first time I discovered them performing on Ozzfest as one of the new bands on second stage and then desperately trying to get their album, Alive Or Just Breathing. Eventually I did managed to get that album at a small metal shop at Beach Road with the help of a guy called Jeffrey. It was definitely worth the effort cause playing the same album/disc on my discman for nearly two months does mean something about the band.

Genres are probably nothing more then just a categorizing tool of the general media for those who are still finding their taste in music or simply don't know what is good for them. Overall it's just business. A simple method to target a specific or mass group of people to generate sales.

So what's the point of my babbles? If possible, don't let the genre constrict your hearing pleasures but instead discover the band for yourself. If you don't like it that doesn't mean the person next to you would have the same opinion.

This may sound corny but to appreciate music it may not just lie in listening to it but also understanding it. You'll never know when it might connect to you on a personal level.