Genre Specific Vocal Help Please!


New member
Okay so heres the thing
I'm a vocalist, i'm not very good.

List of some music I can pull off (by my own standards). Not showing off
Metal - Behemoth, Black Dahlia, Trivium and the works.. metal isn't that hard actually.
I can sing I guess =/ Very high and very low..
Green day, blink 182, silverstein, muse, mika, old saosin (anthony green)
Basically I would start out not used to singing the songs, but after a few jam sessions, I would reach a point where I would be satisfied enough with my vocals..

Heres my problem, I cannot Yell! #($&(@*#&$(@#$
More specifically.. Comeback Kid yell..
I can do a shout.. like a medium pitched shout, but if I go any higher ala comback kid, my voice kinda cracks..

I've been jamming comeback kid for quite awhile already, and I still can't yell high, I tell myself maybe this requires more time, and thats probably true..

So in the meantime, anyone have any tips for this? and also any tips to increase vocal stamina? I believe yelling takes up the most energy.. exercising and stuff helps right?
Woah k this one isn't my area of expertise lol. I can't help you here,..

I think it's something to do with the vocal configs.. growling and yelling are using different throat technique, so maybe you need to know the right technique for yelling? LOL... I don't know about growling, but I know yelling needs an open throat, especially when you go high.

How's growling like?
Growling is like gore-ing I guess? death growls like in death metal.. phelm helps alot too when growling.

And you're probably right about open throat when yelling, cause my throat seems to 'close' after awhile, as in can't sing at that level anymore, needs a break.
The growling that you're refering to, is it something like lamb of god kind of growl ? I heard that some vocalist when they growl, instead of exhaling, they inhale.

I tested it for myself and it does sound like a growl to a certain extend (probably differs with different people) but question is how long can people last doing that inhale growling.
My inhale growl/scream isn't really good but I can pull it off. It doesn't sound as 'full' as an exhale.. but if you're going for a more non-human sound eg a big dinosaur bird.. thats your friend.
And you're probably right about open throat when yelling, cause my throat seems to 'close' after awhile, as in can't sing at that level anymore, needs a break.

Then there's the fix for the problem sweetie, you'd have to switch to open throat to yell, if not you're forcing air and notes through a closed vocal cord and that's pretty much impossible to get anything out..

Wow I didn't know they had inhales in growling also :O wah, like harmonica playing..
You'll need to force ur voice out through ur diaphram. Like shitting like that but not from ur stomach. a bit higher...don't stress ur throat too much or you will end up with some permanent damage(from experience). With more air coming from ur diaphram, you'll need to learn how to control the current or your vox will really go all over the place.

If all else fails, you can always try to wear 3 sizes too small for an underwear. Or like me, a bottle of bacardi always helps in reaching those out of range notes. but don't quote me on this... XD


ps: I wanna take vocalling lessons from sage this 15th..... ;P

pp: ~meh`meh~
My inhale growl/scream isn't really good but I can pull it off. It doesn't sound as 'full' as an exhale.. but if you're going for a more non-human sound eg a big dinosaur bird.. thats your friend.

Hahah, so I presume that you're not talking about the low pitched gore/growl ? I do feel that inhales don't really work well with screams or high pitched growls. But probably you can learn the different techniques to build up on your 'bag of tricks'.

But yea screaming definitely needs good technique if not, it will affect your throat adversely.
yea, you don't want that 'roughness' in your throat to be permanent, that would suck, bring lots of water into the studio..
Alamak I'm not good at singing ler, everything I reference and read up from internet and books, like everyone else LOL

Don't be so modest...i could have overlooked a lot of things...mebbe you can help me attain back my old vocalling range? XD
