For those who havent heard yet ... (Tyler content)


New member
This info has been out for awhile but I thought its useful to post it here for those that dont really visit the US forums ...


reposted: directly from James Tyler on the hri webboard(2/10/08)....

First off, I would like to thank everyone around the world that has called, emailed, or mailed me well wishes, encouragements and told me that they are praying for me. It has been truly humbling.

Last year when I sent out the notice to my dealers that I had some serious health problems and that I would be downsizing and taking some time to get well, I really thought it would be low key, I would just fade out of the scene, take care of my personal business, and take it easy for a time while I figure some things out.

I never, ever, thought that some of the dealers would have so little respect for my privacy and post it on their websites.

I never thought about a lot of stuff I guess, because while I care about my guitars, I just don’t care about being famous and I don’t factor it into my everyday life. I don’t usually think in those terms, and I never dreamed there would be this much notice in the international guitar community. In my head, I am just some guy doing my job, dealing with the everyday problems that this job has. And if some guy, with some job, takes some time off, who cares?

Anyway, the rumors, speculation, misunderstandings, miscommunications and outright lies have grown to a place where I figured I would come here and explain everything. No matter how much I wish I am just some guy in Los Angeles, clearly I am not, and people around the world are wondering what is going on, and why. So here we go...

I haven’t been well for years. It wasn’t bad enough that I couldn’t work, but that was all I could do. I went to doctors a few times a year for several years and got nowhere. Things slowly got worse, I was coughing all the time, I couldn’t sleep, and I felt really bad. I had trouble breathing, eating made me feel bad, you get the picture – it wasn’t pretty. In and out of the doctor’s office time after time and all they told me was you are OK and you can use this inhaler if you want.

Last year things were getting worse again and also the ringing in my ears got louder all of a sudden and my equilibrium was feeling funny. I went back to the doctor and they thought the ringing was probably from all the years of shooting guns, loud cars, loud motorcycles, loud music and sitting too close to Landaus amp. The equilibrium was probably an inner ear infection, which would make the ringing louder, and they told me to see a specialist. They took a chest X-ray and then told me I had Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. They weren’t very helpful with explaining anything to me, and they were going to “keep an eye on it”. I did Internet research and found that every year in America, 25% of the deaths are from this disease.

So last summer I took a few vacations, the first real vacations I ever took actually. I found there was a whole new world besides working 12 hours a day, and working 6 and 7 days a week. I took some time to think, and decided that I was probably killing myself the way I was going and things needed to change.

So I decided to downsize and take it easy. I didn’t want to do this anymore. There are other things I wanted to do and I had other business interests I would focus on that were a lot more enjoyable, more profitable, and WAY less stress. I decided I didn’t want to live in Califexico anymore, and once I moved, maybe I just wouldn’t build guitars anymore... I just didn’t know.

With downsizing I wouldn’t be able to supply all the dealers in a fair way, if at all. So I sent out a notice to all the dealers informing them of my health problems, and told them that I wasn’t going to accept any more orders for at least a year or so until I sorted things in my life out.

I sent that notice out in September (that was my birthday present to myself). A few days later, doctors did an MRI of my head to see if there was an infection in my inner ear, and found that I have a brain tumor. I was lucky enough (finally) to be referred to a doctor who is part of one of the premier clinics in the world that specializes in this. I saw him a few weeks later and he said that the tumor is benign, it isn’t very big and they can take it out. I should be 100% afterward. The surgery will be in April, right after the Long Beach Grand Prix (I do have priorities after all...). I will be out of the shop for about 2 months during that time.

With all that set up, I got back to working on the lung problem. I found that the original doctor I saw who diagnosed the problem had left that clinic. I decided to go see a pulmonary specialist, and set that up. Last week I saw the new guy, he did tests, another X-ray and told me that I had been completely misdiagnosed. I didn’t have any serious lung disease after all; I had Asthma, and really bad acid-reflux, which can cause in my case, additional asthmatic conditions and symptoms. I have also developed extreme chemical sensitivities do to all the crap I have been breathing without a mask for so many years. The doctor gave me some new medicine for the asthma and acid reflux, and the next day I felt better than I had felt in maybe 4 years. It was just amazing. I went from thinking that I may be dead in a few years to feeling good almost overnight. By the end of this year I should be better than ever.

Having gone through all this for almost a year, I have come to realizations. I just do not want to do what I have been doing anymore. I am 56 and it is time for a change. I want to explore other creative outlets. I want to get back into photography (where I almost had a degree 30 years ago before I got sidetracked into this business), I want to create art, and I want to get back into sports car racing.

We will still build a limited amount of guitars at my shop and sell them direct once we have filled dealer orders. There are still a lot of dealer orders to be filled in the next few months, so keep checking with the dealers if you want a guitar.

So there is my story... hopefully all the bullshit is put to rest. Hopefully everyone can understand my reasoning.

And again, thanks to everyone for their kindness, and it’s time to take down the “Get well – JT” thread.

Anyone knows what are the "rumours/lies" that have been circulating around?

Probably that he is sick and no longer building guitars or that he has decided to end sales via dealers and sell direct. I dont think much of it would have been spread maliciously, just a matter of the info being miscommunicated.