For Metalheads - Thoughts on Corpse paint.


New member
Well , wanted to know if you guys think the same way as i do . yeah , i think corpse paint is like becoming a trend now , rather than actually expressing yourself . its similar to the reason why Emperor stopped using corpsepaint.

'the band ceased wearing corpsepaint ; they stated that it was becoming a trend and losing its original significance and symbolism. '

but on the other hand , you still see the greatest bands like Behemoth , Immortal , Gorgoroth etc etc using them.

if you're talking about the local bands using corpse paint , i'll say its rare. or maybe i've not seen enough yet. what got me asking myself these is that , a friend of mine asked me ,

' eh Jaarvis ! you in a black metal band right ! why never wear corpse paint ah !? '
and that guy, is a person who wears Dark Funeral tee and black metal patches on his jeans and stuffs. and from what he told me i could conclude that he thinks Black Metal = Corpse Paint. which i don't know if its true. <--- help me out here.

i wanna hear what you guys think about it.
and whether or not it makes a band ' look good ' .
in one way or another. ;)

no offense to anyone.
i like to read up about black metal and satanists , both history and present.
its just something i like to do . cos i find them interesting.
hope that helps. :)
Blackmetal is a very unique genre.

But some blackmetal bands dont do corpse paint anymore..

its weather u want it or not..

For starters u start to wear face paint for the feeling
Then sooner or later some band realise that face paint is just a trend n they concentrate more on music.

Well if u want to corpse paint up to u.
it give u more feeling all that ;)
haha. what kinda feeling ?
and you cant just wear em what . i mean ,
its like , wearing steel toes and super tight jeans and walking down the streets of uptown without knowing what,who or why ur wearing that way.
whats the use of wearing corpse paint without knowing why ur wearing them ?
that itself explains that its a trend. right ? or wrong ? hah .
the way i see it, it's how people express themselves. some just do it cos it looks nice. but if you go to the extent to dress up but end up playing like shit, what's the point? i guess what i'm trying to say is, the music is more important than what you wear onstage
yerp that kinda true.
even some miss Eliot video some of the dancer wear facepaint on her old music video all those.

For me .
My view is that.well facepaint or mask is a step back from reality of who u are.
is the inner side of u unleashing the darkside of your mind on the stage or so ,where you can perfrom well with it.
hehe check out Draconis Infernum from SG. They're a class act.

Corpse may sometimes be abit cheesy when overdone, but I still think it suits the music and gives it that raw, scary image that we look for when we listen to black metal. I mean its fine if they dont use, but even if they do, the music comes first.

We should like get geared in full black metal gear, corpse paint, nails, bullet belts and whatever, and like walk around orchard or something. Or go like some park and do our own version of Immortal and scare random people and kids. hehe BLACK METAL IS KVLT! I love black metal by the way
i dont know why but i keep raising this issue with my friends. the fact that when something - a identity so called - in ur social group becomes a trend, or another social group copies it, u will come to a point where u avoid it instead of stand up straight and proud of ur identity and fight back to keep it strong. like say....skinny/tight jeans. rockers(i mean real rockers, not those pop punk lol) in the olden days, they wear skinny/tight jeans, no? then suddenly emerge a larger group of people(who some deemed as POSERS), started wearing, becoming a trend. then we see a decline of rockers wearing those jeans. some of them stating their reasons as "too may people wear it now" or "the emos wear it! damn i dont wanna be one of those emo!"

its 1am, maybe im talking nonsense
Haha I can understand what you are trying to say. Those tight jeans were meant for rockers before, now I can see ah bengs wearing them also.
I believe in the use of corpse paint and I do, in fact, want to use it one day if any of my black metal project goes firm.

I believe it's a good form of expression and it's part of black metal's musical imagery. I don't think corpse paint is nice(afterall, who wants paint on their beautiful skin?) and the best part is, I don't believe corpse paint is a trend. People who do it for the sake of being cool are just poseurs and it's probably better if we just ignore them. Afterall, poseurs have nothing substantial in them and what's the point of hankering after this trend issue? I do know that some local bands do use corpse paint, but I hope that they focus more on the music.

My ideology is similar to Slipknot's ideology of using masks.

Just my opinion.
Haha I can understand what you are trying to say. Those tight jeans were meant for rockers before, now I can see ah bengs wearing them also.

yeah agree..i'm into rock n metal stuff..n i wear tappered jeans,metal band tees and white adidas highcut like how iron maiden use to wear. n some of my sch mate ask..why u wear tappered pants?like the typical ah beng sia..i jus replied them..who wore tappered pants 1st? ah beng or rocker? they jus kept their mouth shut.haha

i agree corpse paint somehow adds flavours to the music ur playing..

is there anyway a band can like ' overdo ' it ?
somehow. maybe too exaggerating. or stuffs like that ?

i agree corpse paint somehow adds flavours to the music ur playing..

is there anyway a band can like ' overdo ' it ?
somehow. maybe too exaggerating. or stuffs like that ?