Epi Explorer

hey bro i got my epi ebony explorer for 570..tho the list price is 750..i got such a big discount coz i kinda knew the salesman :D

its a really good guitar imo..smooth neck and good playability for that kinda price.

but pls pls pls do check the condition of the hardware b4 u buy coz in my xcitement i didnt inspect properly and all my hardware had disgusting green shit on them....and they still do :(
I wanna save up for both of these...



With respect to the thread topic, I'd say somewhere along 1K? I'll look for a used one though...

ha im getting the ebony one. Eh i called swee lee. it retails for 950. But i believe there is a customary 20% disc?

Woah. Anirudh. could ya get me the same kinda disc? hahaha 8)
Anirudh said:
hey bro i got my epi ebony explorer for 570..tho the list price is 750..i got such a big discount coz i kinda knew the salesman :D

i'm not against anyone here but this is the kinda info that you might wanna keep to yourself. if you think you got a good deal & wanna share with the rest, PM them.

imagine a subsequent buyer going to the store & insisting on a $570 deal when this consideration is strictly personal...
ok sorry to intrude,but i have always been wondering...whats the speciality of Explorers and Flying Vs? isnt it the same as having an LP or any normal looking guitar?

i mean,is there any other features other than it being fashionable? i really wanna know...no offence to people or threadstarter who wanted to buy this type of guitar...

and i heard that people FVs and Es coz of the easily accessable higher frets?
nice guitar ...build pretty close to 50's Gib ...buuutttt the gold tarnishes pretty quick ....very bad indeed.
I know this coz i did some worx on it recently :wink:

oh ya did i mention it sounds like crap with strings !! :D