drum lessons at yamaha

Yep. Or u can try pillow loh.

If not, if u can find old bicycle tyre, it`ll be gd too.

Very important.......rudiments....!!!!!
17wil said:
chewy said:
Frozen said:
Oi, chewie.

This guy's already enrolled at yamaha and this forum's not for advertising. You can buy an advertising space up there but stop repeating your advertisments here. It would be at least better if you're more creative than copy and pasting your ad.


Hi everyone! I will be teaching at Yamaha soon so stay tuned for more news! I will also continue to give private 1 to 1 lessons at my home studio for those who are interested. Thanks and have a great day. :D

this guy is either stupid , dumb or both. Or desperate. >.<

so...should i start advertising for myself too? HAHA. :smt080

17wil.. Firstly a stupid person wont be able to enrol and graduate from @
New York's Drummers Collective. Secondly i don't think he's desperate, cause hes merely stating the truth.

Happiness. it might be polite to leave out someone's social affiliations, in your little arguement.

Not siding anyone here, just don wish to see a fellow drummer being run down. Lets keep personal attacks outta here.

Juz my two cents worth

Agreed with winters. He is new here I think. So he doesnt really know what is the preferred medium of advertisement.

Maybe some found his attitude to be conceited, that dont take away that he had graduated from a school that gives out modern drummer heros.

Chill pill everyone. tis a holiday, enjoy it.
ok ok.the desperate part was becuz he had posted his advertising many many times...that is why people are pissed. i myself wanna learn drums too...but he is using the forums to advertise , which isnt by the rule. and its not just once or twice.

like darren says... he might be new, mayb tats why hes nt familiar with the rules..cut him some slack. btw i m new here too so yea.. i knw nuts bout the rules here too.

juz nt comfortable bout the personal flaming.

Rather than get angry, I think we should just live and let live. :D His PR is quite aggressive but hey if it works out for him, more power to him.
Listen to some drum solos. Personally, I'm not a big fan of drum solos, but I know a few, like Rat Salad by Black Sabbath, Toad by Cream (check out the 16min live version)...

Oh, and who doesn't know Led Zeppelin's Moby Dick?
lol I wasn't on this thread for a while and I just noticed the whole publicity thing. all I can say is, small matter la...agree with Funkifized. and Frozen, me is a girl. lol.
i learn at Yamaha PS too. but i'm quitting. frankly speaking, i don't really like it there. but i gotta admit that it's cheap. $63/month right? however, there are alot of holidays and there'll be no make-up lessons. that's why i kinda prefer private. but right now, i'm considering music clef.

true enough, Yamaha is very systematic, (it has to be, cause it's sucha known school) but i feel that they stick to the book too much. oh yes, they let you play to songs too. but that's just not enough for me.

btw, who's your teacher?
happiness said:
Does City Harvest teach you to be so desperate and, put in crude terms, conceited? Looks like you're really desperate to have students, nth wrong with tt, but pls take your condescending attitude elsewhere.

Advertising doesn't really make one conceited. Tell that to all the different companies that advertise on TV, billboards, posters Are they conceited? I don't think so. Perhaps you could have a more balanced perspective when judging others? (Which I have not done at all so far; judging anyone in this forum)

Having a healthy sense of one's worth is not wrong too I might add. Surely being a confident person may sometimes give the wrong impression and border towards being proud but hey I did my homework, paid my dues and I'm a working musician. So that should at least give me some right to think that I can at least be of some help to other drummers who are just starting out?

I am not condemning anybody here. I am merely providing a service and perhaps I should have checked out the classifieds before I posted but that doesn't call for such remarks by you? You certainly have an issue against City Harvest I'm guessing. I am pretty disappointed that a healthy, thriving and popular forum like this could spark such intense remarks without even clarifying in the first place.

I am never a man to back down from a fight and I certainly do not respond well to threats. If you are man enough let's take this outside like 2 grown men shall we?
Re: hmmm..

Winters said:
17wil.. Firstly a stupid person wont be able to enrol and graduate from @
New York's Drummers Collective. Secondly i don't think he's desperate, cause hes merely stating the truth.

Happiness. it might be polite to leave out someone's social affiliations, in your little arguement.

Not siding anyone here, just don wish to see a fellow drummer being run down. Lets keep personal attacks outta here.

Juz my two cents worth

Thanks for the balanced view Winters.

Thanks for retracting your post 17wil. I have done likewise but too late cos I have not checked this thread for sometime until a friend mentioned about it to me. Have a great day guys. LOL!
Since this thread is about Yamaha Drum Lessons....

I just confirmed my teaching position there at Yamaha Tampines this afternoon and will be starting next month most likely. The other teacher there would be Luke Chen. Do let us know if you are interested to join us or have any queries about the courses or Yamaha products. Luke is also a Yamaha dealer.

Thanks and my bad for all the hoo-ha earlier on. Wasn't my intention to cause a stir in the first place. Take care you guys!
i feel that all people make mistakes and all we hav to do is correct them in a nice way..

btw chewy ur posts(the advertising ones) would be indeed regarded as spam in many strict forums, and probably hav been warned or suspended.. however this forum does not hav many moderators so that didnt happen.. this forum is very mild on rules...

Anyway the general rule is no repeated posts... its something forum users all agree on..

hav a nice day..