buying guitar set


New member
this is my first post here,like most i am keen on picking up the electric guitar and i saw an ad on the newspaper that YAMAHA is having a sale and selling an "Electric guitar pack" for $425 which includes amplfier and stuff.... thing is i don't really know how to play but i am interested in picking up electric first hand

experienced out there any recomendation?
hope to learn more from you guys in the near future

Cheers! :D
there are other worthy packaged offers that cost much less- the SX brand is one (review available in the database). the thing with this kinda investment is that, don't spend too much because chances are, you'd be upgrading anyway. acquire something good (helps you play/ focus on practice)regardless of the brand name.
Get the SX then change the pickups. I've people praising the tone coming out of my SX before.
SX package price is featured in the review...

i believe Davis has revised the price to make it more affordable.