Billy sheehan's right hand...


It seems that he doesnt anchor his right hand in one place...sometimes he doesnt anchor at at. does that make playing faster?
yes it does! 8) start off by anchoring on the strings instead of the neck pickup, slowly obtain freedom of your right hand.
coz it suits him you see,maybe you prefer to anchor your right hand on the pickups,see which one is the most comfy for you...
Anchoring just serves as a way to help your right hand gain some support, take care not to view it as a pre-requisite for proper technique (I MUST anchor solidly/hard in order to play properly!).

It is the same as the thumb on your fretting hand, you shouldn't be applying too much force to it, as doing so would hinder your movement. If you use a lot of strength to anchor your thumb when you fret, you will find that you will not be able to shift your fretting hand around so easily, therefore making playing a lot more difficult.

Similarly, if you anchored your right hand with too much force, you would end up tensing up your right hand, making it hard to reach the treble strings or shift your right hand around for different tones.

Whether or not to choose to anchor your thumb, just remember that it has to be relaxed. Your fingers do the work, not your thumb (except for when you slap!), just like your fretting hand.

I hardly anchor my thumb on the pickups ... only when i'm messing around with my low B string then i'll do the pickups, but most of the time even when i'm playing the low B i'll just let my thumb float .. then from the E string onwards .. anchor on the adjacent string before .. so it serves as a muting technique and also speeds up your playing quite a fair bit .. =) ..

personal preference lah .. but i found that letting your hand float around a fair bit speeds up your technique .. =) ..
I anchor when i'm playing slow, solid lines. if I'm playing fast runs I don't really notice it but I lift my thumb off.

i never anchor my fingers...its a bad habit..from playing classical guitar man..hmm i don't know about u guys, but i think we should stop concerning about things like this and concentrate on playing..i noticed tht more people are just worried abt tone, this and that..i don't, i just plug in and play man..remember, its about the playing, the fingers, the heart and soul! we're bassist damnit..and we groove!
Re: anchor?

forpyned said:
i never anchor my fingers...its a bad habit..from playing classical guitar man..hmm i don't know about u guys, but i think we should stop concerning about things like this and concentrate on playing..i noticed tht more people are just worried abt tone, this and that..i don't, i just plug in and play man..remember, its about the playing, the fingers, the heart and soul! we're bassist damnit..and we groove!

wrong...this anchor thingy IS about your playing...
about the over worrying thing,its actually good on some level,it shows that the person care bout his sound or playing or skill,shows that he at least wanna improve
but if you just keep plug in and play without the intention to make your sound better,then you'll stuck there forever dude,just my 5 cents