B-Quartet played and Vertical Rush got rained out!


New member
Caught B-Quartet on Sat at the Esplanade Outdoor Theatre. I enjoyed the show, especially Bani's drumming.

Then Vertical Rush's first set couldn't start because of the rain. When it died down to almost nothing, the second set was canceled as well (30 mins to go before the 10pm start time). Don't know why the organisers wimped out even when the rain has already stopped. What a disappointment for the band and audience.

BTW, has anyone seen this:
Half Step Down - B-Quartet from Singapore? This was written back in Aug 07. Some excerpts:

When I was in Singapore in June 2007, I had the wonderful pleasure of watching B-Quartet play live. It made me think about the amount of good music and unique talent out there that never get the recognition they deserve. B-Quartet is definitely one of them, but it is just the way the Singapore music industry works, or is the band themselves to blame?


The truth is, most bands pour all their efforts into making music, and absolutely nothing into music marketing. Without a real music marketing plan, most bands like B-Quartet gain a handful of loyal supporters, then wither and die.
love b-quartet's music.

ps: any drummers know what snare hidir is using on the vid below? Akira jimbo's sig aye? correct me if im wrong?
love b-quartet's music.

ps: any drummers know what snare hidir is using on the vid below? Akira jimbo's sig aye? correct me if im wrong?

Yup, he has a Akira Jimbo piccolo snare (the one with the wooden rim and damn thick eh?). But he told me that is not the real deal or something.

His SOFT nick is peagee or something. Can't remember.
Well, I wonder who the writer is. And which one of us have spoken to him? Hmm... But yeah.

Quite often, the timing is very bad for the band and stuff. Plus the boys are more into doing a bit of shows here and there. Nothing too crammed together. There were quite a bit of stuff we tried to do to promote the album 'Tomorrow Is Our Permanent Address'. There is an unfinished documentary on the recording of the album with interviews of the band members and a fly-on-the-wall kinda feel to it, following them around for Baybeats 2007. Maybe we'll get to see that one day.

We have the live recording of the album launch and live footage as well. Unfortunately, the band wasn't too happy with the performance. So that will not prolly not see the light of day as well.

For the fans, the good news is that they are working out 6 new songs. So far, they've only been playing 'Lanterns', the new one. They have 2 more shows left for the year so far. Hopefully, we'll get to hear the rest soon...