Artec: Analog Delay SE-ADL



Artec Analog Delay (SE-ADL)
List: $110

For those of us well acquainted with the ARTEC brand name, this Korean selection of effects pedals offer absolute value for money unless of course, we are brand conscious (ARTEC? Never heard of them…). The SE-ADL pedal is a delay proponent offering the fundamentals of its nature; anything more then it has to be re-labeled as ‘digital’.

The delay effect was the product of the musicians’ obsession with echo/ reverberation which positively adds depth to output. We understand that this refers to a distant repeat in signal, which could be either quick or significantly late. The typical analog delay does not dwell in a late response due to its technological capacity. It is basically transistorized conversion of the pioneering tape technology. Today’s breakthrough technology simply allows more time-based manipulation of the output which somehow triggers obsession; you wouldn’t believe the number of delay fanatics out there (less this reviewer).

Build/ features
The ARTEC school of build quality is one of BOSS-like endurance plus adequate buoyancy; nothing too feather weight to such an extent it becomes tug-prone (not an issue if you fix it down onto your pedal board). There are no complains pertaining to the responsiveness of the knobs (Time/ Mix/ Repeat) on board but we continue to ponder the wisdom of having the power supply access on a side location- wouldn’t it be less hassle to have top access (eg: BOSS) to facilitate occupation (spacing) consideration? Also, the base plate rubber grip could have been more rubber in quality; the synthetic material has more plastic quality to it.

Rating: 85%

In use
The trio of knobs on board is utilitarian in offering; the TIME control determines how much delay you wish to dial in while the REPEAT counterpart specifies the number of repeats you hear in the decay. The MIX knob here would serve to confuse the uninitiated; it doesn’t blend the TIME & REPEAT functions but serves to regulate the volume of delay you’ll hear in the output mix.

As this pedal isn’t one which professes in delay extensions, the TIME width is limited; in fact, the latest it has to offer comes close to 1 sec (that’s quite a delay in a musical context). As one dials this feature clockwise, the delay lag is reduced culminating in a very reverb-like response; you’d need bionic hearing to actually determine if there is any delay at all. The REPEAT feature does what it dutifully labels; specify the number of repeats the user requires. In its upper reaches, the pedal would turn psychedelic by inducing infinity & feedback; if you are a fan of U2’s the Edge, this detail is rather mandatory for necessary oddity.

The pedal’s simplicity means that you spend less time knob fiddling in an attempt to dial up a very basic delay offering (the mere repeat of what you are playing). The SE-ADL also has no problems churning out some inspiring surf-type slap echo (Wipeout anyone?) as well as that Twin Peaks type atmospherics (Oh dear, if you’re not brought up in that era, you won’t understand…). In its reverb-like mode, the pedal is truly an effective depth inducer. This reviewer used it as such in conjunction with his Epiphone Valve Jr head which does much better with a dose of reverberation. However, the highlight of this plain gem is its non-interference capacity; it does not colour your sacred cleans as well as that revered drive- simply wonderful, this Korean. Finally, unlike the digital delay counterparts, the SE-ADL isn’t one heck of a battery drainer.

Tone test equipment:
Guitars: ESP Eclipse II/ Ibanez RG1550/ Gibson LP Std/ Fender Highway 1 Strat/ Edwards E-LP85SD/P
Effects: Beta Aivin HM-200/ EHX Little Big Muff/ Ibanez CF7/ BOSS OD-3/ Behringer EQ700
Amps: Sound Drive SG-612R Head/ Epiphone Valve Jr/ CRATE GT412ST

Rating: 93%

If you wish for a BOSS Digital Delay replication from this very pocket-friendly (delay-wise) ARTEC, you are indeed stomping on the wrong pedal; read: Analog Delay. The SE-ADL would reward those in need of a non-intrusive delay unit which has a no-frills feature because you aren’t too delay indulgent, you just need a pragmatic, low-cost device to propel some depth in the mix. This black ditty isn’t boutique grade, mind you, but its tone is simply one of the better ones in this analog domain. Love the price too.

Final rating: 90% (recommended)

Product available at:
• Look for Beez
• Ebenex

• Idiot-proof
• Effective
• Not a battery drainer
• Price

• PSU side access
• Rubber grip has a very plastic grade

Worthy competitors:
• Carl Martin: Red Repeat/ DeLayla
• Danelectro: FAB Echo/ BLT Slap echo
• Ibanez: AD9
• Rocktron: Short Timer
i'm not a fan of using echo, but with this delay i wont be looking for another analog delay for a very long time...
pluck clean chords+ this delay = rapture.
Nice review, Sub..the artec delay is great for the money, too bad I sold it off...

Oh, n the Twin Peaks thingy that u mentioned, man..most haunting music that I ever heard when I was still in primary 3..:p I nvr watched the show b4, just the trailer..;P

Since people reading this might want more opinions, i'd like to share what i think of it.

Perhaps i had a dodgy unit, but the socket holding the 9v jack came lost, resulting in the 9v jack going into the unit.

I had a hard time finding suitable screws to replace them.

also the battery compartment eventually became loose over time, esp when rearranging pedals as i had velcro there.

tone wise the pedal is great for the price.

however i'm gonna have to disagree with you about the part that it's built like a boss.
i got mine second hand at ebenex... only had 1!
it was already velcroed, but yeah the batt compartment came loose as well. no problems wad... if ur using power supply.
however i'm gonna have to disagree with you about the part that it's built like a boss.

disagree all you want but take time to re-read my post; the was no mention of it being built like a BOSS.

read: BOSS-like

battery compartment: if you swear by a battery, make sure the lid clicks shut. if it doesn't, it'll cause stress on the catch which will eventually make it ill-fitting (loose). this is a problem with the discontinued DOD pedals as well.
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Just my opinion sub, perhaps if you've written in plain english as it is spoken, it wouldn't be misunderstood.

I do find myself reading in between, over, under and all around when I read your reviews.
Dun like that leh... practising good english also kena... can we just stop at slamming Malmsteen's ovation classical tone? :p
i'm just stating my honest opinion. no harm intended lor.

btw, i went to British Council for a short course on effective communications. The trainer who's a British told us in the face, if you don't talk like that don't write like that. Writing emails like "As per our telecommunication..." "Attached herewith...." yadda yadda yadda is passe. A lot of extra words for nothing.
passe because there is an effort to revise the writing style to fit today's circumstances but there are certain expectations from formal correspondences- not that we have to replicate them here, of course... :cool:
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no probs sir! because we have British council's correspondence specialist giving us writing tips as well during one of those lectures when i was still juvenile he he... :cool:
i'm just stating my honest opinion. no harm intended lor.

btw, i went to British Council for a short course on effective communications. The trainer who's a British told us in the face, if you don't talk like that don't write like that. Writing emails like "As per our telecommunication..." "Attached herewith...." yadda yadda yadda is passe. A lot of extra words for nothing.

Edder dear, I know you are kidding.

And as a matter of fact, I'm glad I was told, I speak in the same manner as I word my stuff here - I'm so glad I'm transparent... all that talk about transparent tone, gotta walk the talk you know?

Btw, is this pedal really analog? Like bucket bridge (prob the new chinese ones) chips and all?