Any idea where to find young bassists?

high in demand but low in supply

playing bass is easy. but being good at it is another thing

i've seen a couple bassists who only play boring basslines and dont bother learning new techniques just because they want to play in a band
16 going on 17 here :D

im also self taught as well.. so still very green at scales and stuff..

yeah some people only stick to boring basslines.. cause very easy to play and can be in a band already..

wait until they try rock n roll stuff..

let your fingers do the talking baby!
here's everything you need to know
im ex-bassits of BLOODSTAINED-KISSES

im currently organise a gig which im working on it and's damn pressure/lot's of stuff to take note...
im also a dancer..performing performing performing
so my shedule wise is so called < B.U.S.Y>

im still able to give in a 100% commitment

here's the deal
im looking for a band
1)that is the really to eat people alive

2)i respect the band&everyone in the band so i expect that to be the very first important
3)i want to be in a band which is HUMBLE/DOWN TO EARTH
no problems..ready to make somthing happen

self intro:

im workholic
i write
i sing
i scream
i design
i wana know everything about the band
im like the first to reach
the last to go
i have currently more then 6 orginals and lot's of ideas that ready for recording

my sound is>i can play as heavy as you name and i can play as slow as you name
easy that's my skill/im also a pick player

my Influence/please go check those bands out
> Slipknot
Twisted Method
Makeshift Romeo
DeadStar Assembly
three days grace
18 visions

hope you know and got the idea of which MUSIC DIRECTIONS im from and im diving into it

is the best you can call me@
9127 0829
we will talk more>>>thanks

ehh not everyone here is 17 to 21 lah... :)

i think most of my bassist friends are busy working long hrs, preparing to get married and trying to find themselves while making a living. (which is all gd, except the long hrs part :p)
Im 15 going 16, handsome outgoing chap,never fails to put a smile on people's faces. My B.O is moderately pungent,not enough to kill,but enough to knock out someone for some time,so its not that bad. My looks have been compared to Wentworth Miller,Christopher Lee, Mark Lee and Jack Neo,which makes me pretty charming. Haha been self learning pick bass for a few months now,cool to know so many young bassists out there too!