Any good Tube amp to recommend?


New member

Any bro can recommend a good tube amp for lots of distortion/heavy rock sound and some clean? I am looking at Laney, Mesa and Vox...any reviews? THanks!!
i would recommend geting a tube amp with good cleans. the distortion part can come from ur pedals. anyway theres a Carvin Vintage at Ranking Sports, im not sure if its still there, but thats one of the better tube amps i've seen in singapore.
Well, a Mesa Boogie Lone Star can have nice cleans, But for dist, u need a OD to boost it. As for Mark series, Cleans are ok, but dist is good. these are few examples. U gotta decide & try other amps to see which 1 suits you.
one of the best clean (& unbreakable) tones this side of fender + menacing drive:

peavey's triple X , JSX and 5150 are pretty good contenders for great rock tones .. as for clean.. i believe the JSX shines out best. but if you really love clean cleans.. get a fender amp.
Fender used to have the full tube Tone Master which IMO captures some of the best Fender cleans ever + the high drive here was one of the most aggressive ever. i kept playing it @ swee lee... 8)

wah...thanks bros.......will go hunting...but got to sell my marshall first...if not home affair minister will log a complain...hehehe
^heard some reviews for those. weren't good in the reviewers' opinion, muddy and bland. heard the JVMs were way way better.
the Vintage Modern head review is available in SOFT's review database. DO NOT look forward to a sumptuous modern tone with this one but expect a healthy mix of the contemporary & some of Marshall's favoured relic tones.

many people approach the VM with a view that it's a direct competitor of the JVM, can't blame them for this as they were released in the same period...
I just tried a marshall jtm45, n i have to say it ROCKS!!! it makes the tsl2000 sound thin n buzzy n just in a dif league.

the jtm is as ballsy as u can get, n crank it loud enough n unleash the classic rock tone. Suddenly, u just wanna play all the rock anthems!!! Nails ACDC well, talk abt power tube saturation:)

ITS FREAKING LOUD TOO, but for high gain stuff u need a pedal. Its pretty much a one trick poney, but if u looking for tone this is it!!!

Can consider ceriatone amp clones

gasing for one. This sounds nicer than my jcm800 man, takes pedals better too