A SHow OF Hands.. Hey Soft IN Here!!!

Ok, let's look at reality here. Reality check.

It depends. The local people don't really see why they should support local music artists until the Big 4(you know who) tells them to do so. Only signed artists whose label promotes them get a chance. And of course, an MTV really helps. Most bands here can't even get a good record out...the labels won't be interested to help them.
The real world, we have boybands who are "shotgunned" into temporary fame. Flashy Music Videos(sleazy mostly) and so-so music. Not that they are vocal talents as well. It's because their songs and music videos are showcased and played over again and again. In a way. "they" tell you this: Listen to this, buy this. It's "good". People nowadays are hopeless brainwashed . Screaming girls go crazy over idols who cannot sing but just look good. These "puppets" are a proven formula throughout the ages. You can't blame singers if they leave your band to become a pop star. The lure is too good.

As we all know, majority of bands have a good-looking singer/frontman. And really good MTVs. it's how the band can be marketed. Using this bands, brand names will go towards these bands for endorsement deals.

For Singapore, Sun Yan Zi had to be famous overseas before anyone took to her.
The way i see it, Singapore bands have to:

Play well and have a decent record(producedfrom their own pockets) which might lead to:
A label signing you on which leads to:
An MTV being produced which leads to:
Airplay and more airplay and more audiences
A sense of pride and achievement
A good looking frontman is a plus
(Flashy clothes and guitars will of course be endorsed)

Yes, you can gig all you want. Pray hard a producer will spot your band if you're really that good. Unlikely to happen.
What I encourage local bands is to go and record your music at a a decent studio.
Sure you will have to fork out money but it's worth it. Cos no label is going to take notice until you shove the CD in their faces.
HeartRockSingapore said:
So there was PUNK when the government was oppressive? So when there is no government oppression, there should not be PUNK, right?

lol.. or u mean punks are dead? thats gonna be another issue to debate hehe

Heh.. im not saying why people should oppose the goverment. but i got friends that are as young as 13 only.. started out by playign covers of anti goverment punk songs..now going around telling pple goverment sucks..and politics..

so what u think? bad influence? its not about whether they are realli opposing or not.. they are singing the covers of it? :?


but why HATRED??

going around telling people government sucks

These Streetpunks thinks that they can can govern better..

my foot! they live in a world full of violence, hatred and lost..

and they say the government suck..

i'm not taking sides but seriously...

But why hatred?? WHERE IS THE LOVE??
well, regarding a gig, during RR2005, maybe because its in the heartlands where people work, go market, go home relax shake leg, so hence they did not bother about the gig.

If RR2005 was held say, outside ngee ann city, or outside heeren's, i believe the crowd response would be greatly different. So location plays a huge part i guess. We also need publicity. If say the gig collaborated with mediacorp, it will be well publicised and hence increase the no. of people watch.

in short what i want to say is, gigs must have good location and publicity besides having bands to participate and equipment in order to be a very very successful one.
well... it cant be helped one lah. To have the gig itself was good enuf.
During the planning stage, too many things were too uncertain.
Even the gig dates keep changing and venue also changed a few times.

I guess Kovan had some sort of understanding with Mr Heartrock.
it might be easier/more reliable to gig there.

cos its a New years gig thing where the date has more or less been set, its very difficult lah.