4x12's Wall of Doom?


New member
Just snagged this pic off at TGP. Funny stuff. I heard of metal bands and their 4x12's "Wall of Doom" on stage. But this is going too far. I betcha there are Marshall logos in front. :p

Lol this is funny. Gotta be there to hear the actual volume before concluding that its a wall of bullshit right?
those two engl head must be like 100-150watts each ?
More than sufficient for a stage like that.

I can't imagine how complex the set-up is gona be like if those monster stacks are real.
just like vocal fellas can do lip synch, extreme music makers also must have such toys to boost up the bretwal image of the mental penis of heaviness!

Only hope that who ever do the props, also took consideration for at least led circuit to simulate amp is on, even most in the crowd prolly too brutal or busy head banging/moshing to notice it.
Not surprising lah. But good pic there! I heard of loaded 412s and heads, unused on stage though, but never see plywood covers only of these heads/cabs.

All action lah. A powerful head and a good PA is all it takes.
the whole band would've stage dived unintentionally if those cabs were real. *hit 1 chord and everyone flies away!* :D