WTS/WTT : Fender MIJ Reissue 62 Quilted Maple ST-62QT


New member
Hi All,

I am looking to let go a Fender MIJ Reissue 62 Quilted Maple ST-62QT Stratocaster in green. Alder Body with Quilted Maple top!

Chose this out of all the many guitars I played over in Tokyo July this year. Letting go cause my laptop of 5 years looks like its going to go soon and I could do with some funds for a new PC.

Have 2 other strats which I am more attached to emotionally but this guitar however actually plays better with its new frets and it sings.

Selling/Trading for 850. Open to Bad cat/VOX tube amps(ac 15, ac10, ac4), road worn tele,MIJ 60s tele, JPS Junior sized pedalBoard, Interesting Pedals

Would probably not want to top up as I would like some cash as above.

Its not an urgent sale so please don't lowball, you will be ignored. Will probably keep it if I can't sell it.

Please forgive the lousy iphone pics, the guitar looks better/newer in person. Google for better ones.

SMS 967 two 8 77 three.


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