WTS: PDP 805 Series 10" Snare & Gibraltar Bass Drum Pedal (Single)


New member
Hi guys, I'm selling off these two items as I seldom use them.
They are kept in my room and I figured I might as well sell it off to someone who'll put it to good use.

PDP 805 Series 10" Snare
Colour : Black
Dimension: 10" X 6"
Condition : 9.5/10

This snare can be used as a main or side snare, works well either way. The tuning range is medium - really high. The high tuning works well when you use it for more drum & bass / jungle style of play. It cuts through easily and fits well within the sound balance of the music. It can also be used with snares off for a very good Latin sound or high pitched tom/timbale.
The wood, rims and lugs are all in excellent condition, no rusts at all. I've used it only once for an outdoor performance. It comes with a small slot on the side to attach your drumkey as well!
The batter head is replaced with a Remo Weatherking Suede Ambassador.
Here's a sound sample : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Huj0UJM4N00&feature=related

Going for : $150

Gibraltar Single Pedal
Condition: 8.5/10

This pedal is great for drummers of any level. It is easy to use, adjust and get the hang of it. The footplate is reasonably long, so whatever technique you use will definitely work on this. The adjusting system for the tension rod works really simple, nothing fancy. The pedal board is strong and sturdy. The weight is not so light, but it contributes to the sturdiness of the whole pedal. Slight rust on pedal spring, but that can easily be replaced with a new one (either through amazon for less than $10 or at Ranking, I think)

Going for : $100

Pictures can be found here: http://s107.photobucket.com/albums/m289/muzap91/For Sale/

SMS me at 93213140

Hope to hear from you fellow drummers soon, thanks for reading! :)
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