WTS: Crazy Christmas 2012 Theatre Tickets (Hossan Leong, Kumar, Selena Tan, Adrian Pa


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一对票(Cat 1)原价:$234, 现卖 $159 而已.有兴趣,请留下你的电话, 电邮到testtabletsg@gmail.com.

The pair of Cat 1 tickets is worth of $234. Now the pair is only sold at $159.
If you or your friends are interested, pls drop me an email at testtabletsg@gmail.com.


Date: 2nd November 2012
Time: 2pm
Venue: Esplanade Theatre


Starring Selena Tan, Adrian Pang, George Chan, Robin Goh, Karen Tan, Judee Tan, Michaela Therese, Vocaluptuous, Hossan Leong and Kumar!

Crazy Christmas is an annual MUST-SEE! 
Catch this year's star studded cast with a great big band and a bevy of 
dancing gals we like to call the Merry Miss-el’toes. Crazy Christmas gets bigger, better and brighter every year as Singapore's finest entertainers together with the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Audrey Hepburn and good ole’ Charlie Chaplin bring you song, dance, laughter and love.
This year, we celebrate movie magic as the Silver Screen meets Silver