WTS Akai MPK88 MIDI Keyboard Controller (Cheap)


New member
WTS a used Akai MPK88.


All buttons/knobs works fine with issues. All keys functioning. The only issue with the unit is the pitch bend control. It will randomly pitch bend itself. This is a known problem which you can google online to find out more. Keyword search : akai mpk pitch bend problem.

Alternatively, if you don't need pitch bend control, you can switch on your MIDI pitch filter in your DAW or buy a spare part from online stores such as this ( http://www.mpcstuff.com/1atwpt151063001.html ) or send to sinamex for servicing.

As stated, and because of this issue, I'm letting it go cheap at $700. Brand new at Sinamex is close to $1,600.

Self collect in AMK, no trades, no reservations.

SMS 8276 0106.
