World Music/New Age

there seem some problem with the audio, kept having on and off for me.

just imho.

interesting for the didgeridoo in it. But the typical rock-ish backing kind of make it a bit un worldly to me.
yup, im having problem with the sound for that song too.

wah seh, tjc happening sia, i heard they had ronin or something for their oreintation a couple years back. and now this.
we will post more video.. aft our gig at Arts House on the 3rd march 07....

Earth, Modes & Sanskrit....
they rocks man..

I saw a guy blowing that long tube (make sound one).
I think that is soo cool!


tks. biopromax..

well 2day is the big event... .. wish us good luck.. ..

Earth, Modes & Sanskrit ... is the new sound..