Who's into BEYOND


New member
Hi everyone,

Who's into Beyond? I am 21 this yr, trying to brush up my cantonese because of Beyond. They are my fav band, and WONG KA KUI 黃家駒 the lead singer is my favourite musician of all time, I miss him so much that sometimes when I hear to the sound of Hai Kuo Tian Kong my tears will auto drop down. God clearly wants to take people who are too talented and young.

OK ANYWAY, for those who are into beyond, I do hope you learn from Beyond's never say die spirit, if not Wong Ka Kui die for nth.

Hear is something I wanna share with Wong Ka Kui fans of the world,

Rare piece of him playing classical

can sing almost all their songs... nice... good effort for learning cantonese... thumbs up... not easy... anything you wan to ask can ask me... i am a hongkey...
the interesting part of their music, imho is the long way without friends era, which has some rather pink floyd influenced songs and left of the dial canto songs(wait forever, metal maniac, giant etc)

but i guess most people would be more familiar with the stuff which kinda push them into the limelight with their blend of pop rock tunes in later years.

Heh, their songs brought back memories for me, started listening to them in 1990. Heh, some of their songs then were kinda poppish and if not for some of their stronger earlier releases, i might not have continued to check them out till finally everything was over between them

anyone into the remaining 3 solo releases? I had some, but imho, only Paul wong was interesting enough for me, in term of the songs, music arrangement wise. The other 2, imho i feel their voice wasnt the strongest and the style of music aint exactly my cuppa tea as well
the interesting part of their music, imho is the long way without friends era, which has some rather pink floyd influenced songs and left of the dial canto songs(wait forever, metal maniac, giant etc)

but i guess most people would be more familiar with the stuff which kinda push them into the limelight with their blend of pop rock tunes in later years.

Heh, their songs brought back memories for me, started listening to them in 1990. Heh, some of their songs then were kinda poppish and if not for some of their stronger earlier releases, i might not have continued to check them out till finally everything was over between them

anyone into the remaining 3 solo releases? I had some, but imho, only Paul wong was interesting enough for me, in term of the songs, music arrangement wise. The other 2, imho i feel their voice wasnt the strongest and the style of music aint exactly my cuppa tea as well

Haha the past were damn raw, Wong ka kui were into David Bowie, Pink flyod so it wasnt a surprise you can find their influence in their early work. I like "Myth", sounds like asian version of " stairway to heaven" by Led Zeppelin. You should check out 91 version of "Metal Maniac man", to me it is one of the classic version, the shout in the end = shiok! Anyway I like the later Ka Kui era as well as he try to inject blues into his music, check out the blues version of Zhen De Ai Ni, Uploaded by me. Cant blame them mike, if they didnt inject poppish stuff into their music, they could not have continue to become a legend, anyway I like them (the more "popish years) as well.

I feel strongly that the post Ka Kui era, the 3 men team did not get enough credit as they deserve, some of their lyrics are top notch, like "que Kou". I do agree with you, after Ka Kui, Paul shoud be their lead singer, his voice damn solid, gt go beyond Singapore concert, some of his originals are top notch (as well as vocal). The post Ka Kui era, has more alternative, more grunge feeling in them, I feel that people are too early to dismiss them.

My fav piece of them all, is the 93 unplugged concert, they played an instrumental piece ( no vocal ). Anyone wants the song, I am only one ask away from sharing with you. Sharing Beyond is a joy.

Zhen de Ai Ni (Blues version)
post 93 byond stuff, i think one of the strongest release was the 94 released 2nd floor back block, 97-please let go the hand and the ep "thinking of you". The rest, while having some good songs here and there, overall feel actually sound tiring to me.

of course, one of the last one they did, the song to infernal affair, was one of their best post 93 track, imho. THe lyrics, arrangment and melody of the songs really remind me of 1990/1991 somehow..
Thanx for the song (internal affair), mike, just heard it, some how remind me of Grey track. When I heard the song, cant help but think if Ka Kui were to sing it, it would be damn power, his bro voice does not convey enough emotion imo.
hmm, interesting. I was indeed having grey track in mind somehow, the first few times i heard that song from infernal affair.

taking bout the younger brother voice, for some live tracks, when he sang and trying to hit the certain notes of his late brother vocal range, it does has some slight resemblance i find. In generally, i do agree that his voice aint really a strong point, same as the drummer.
Calling out the Beyond era people... late 20 + to 40+ people who follow the Beyond era... or any age for that matter... Care to share Beyond's experience, I really is fascinated about Beyond. :)
i was into beyond in secondary school... back in 95/96. that's what happens when you study in a cheena school. music teacher was sick one day, and the class monitor decided to bring the beyond live & basic karaoke Laser Disc (remember those things!) and let the whole class watch... fun times man! i got hooked soon after.

have been hunting high and low for my copy of the live & basic album... can't find it...

recently caught the live & basic concert on youtube... i also shed a few tears at hai kuo tian kong. very touching tribute. planning on doing one of the beyond songs at my wedding dinner... surprise all the guests and family since they think i am chiak kentang all the way... hurhur :D

p/s was listening to pink floyd and realised that beyond copied a lick from "shine on you crazy diamond" on one of the songs... but i can't rem which one. it was one of their ballads... damn. i'll try to rem. it was a pretty good "musical quotation" though... very apt. now when i listen to "shine on you crazy diamond" i'll catch myself wondering why david gilmour is ripping off a beyond lick... haha
back in 1990, or was it 91, they came down here for promotional visit, appeared on ch8. Songs they did was the chinese version of "really loving you" and the theme song to the happy ghost movie.

and round was it 93 or some years round there, they actually did a song for a ch8 serial, the last pugillist hero. That song, suck big time..
back in 1990, or was it 91, they came down here for promotional visit, appeared on ch8. Songs they did was the chinese version of "really loving you" and the theme song to the happy ghost movie.

and round was it 93 or some years round there, they actually did a song for a ch8 serial, the last pugillist hero. That song, suck big time..

Yea, I heard chineseo versions of really love you and glorious years and seen their movies, mostly those funny movie like Stephen Chow one (But not as funny). Hmm, their chinese is kinda crappy tho, their best rendition was the chinese version of "Chang Chen". All blame goes to cantonese being a nicer language to chinese :cool:. Hmm, btw you should check out Ka Kui last movie, call cageman, it is a good movie, mike.
p/s was listening to pink floyd and realised that beyond copied a lick from "shine on you crazy diamond" on one of the songs... but i can't rem which one. it was one of their ballads... damn. i'll try to rem. it was a pretty good "musical quotation" though... very apt. now when i listen to "shine on you crazy diamond" i'll catch myself wondering why david gilmour is ripping off a beyond lick... haha

Hmm I just had a ear on "shine on you crazy diamond", I Know what song they copy le, it is 妄想 from their album 乐与怒, listen to the opening rift. Oh well, great artist dun copy do they, they steal :D
Hmm IMO, Paul is better technically, but Ka Kui gt more feel, so yala Ka Kui is better.:p

Got to correct that, Ka Kui taught Ah paul guitar... Paul only had the basics... Ka Kui taught him the technical details and such.

I am one of those who grew up listening to Beyond... from their 5 man days with the keyboardist / Guitarist to the 4 man days.. till 3.. I still collect thier individual solo albums... Each of them had thier own individual style, can see that the drummer Ah Wing though cant sing very well has improved quite alot..

Oh did you know Ah paul is i think the only asian artist to be endorsed by Ovation? he has an ovation signature series.
Beyond was my main repertoire in '90s. learn to play many of their song on guitar. up to paradise, sound album. their Live album (life n live ?? ) is classic.