Who sells the AWR California Blonde Amp?


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The AWR California blonde amp

Ive seen it at Swee Lee the second edition of it for about 2.2k~ Which was abit steep,

I was recently quoted 1.8k for this amp as well at a certain shop.

Do any other local stores bring this amplifier in? and what is a decent price for it?
Ahaha. Wah ben, so fast already come on soft and look ah?

The amp sexy sia. The cleans make your spine tingle.
but fugx la, its not that expensive, the second edition that has more features only 800USD, or 1k list on Musiciansfriend. 1.8k gay la.
wah such good amp for wat? lol

pod x3 live > DI > house speaker.

save ur back, guitar / bass / vocal rig all in one. saves u abt 1.2k also.

nobody in s'pore really cares abt spanking good acoustic tone when its being blasted anyway :p