Which subject you hate the most when you are in school?


New member
Out of boredom,I decided to start this thread.Which subject you people hate the most when you are in school?
I hated maths,I only pass my maths in o levels.I can't do stastics,equations and stuff related to that.And also,I hated chinese sometimes,beacuse the teachers are just so boring.zzz.Good thing now is that I'm not doing any thing related to that.
A Maths, which I eventually dropped, and E Maths. When I pulled an A2 for the O Levels I nearly died of shock.
JC kids unite-

PROJECT lovelovelovelovelovelovelove WORK

i actually liked PW, maybe it was because my group mates were awesome and we ended up with an A. haha.

back to topic..in pri sch, i hated science..in sec sch i hated math and physics (especially practical) and in jc i hated math and econs. econs more, actually.
my groupmates were alright but our teacher/facilitator was a pain in the ass who gave us no freedom whatsoever
Music ...we used to cut music class to play football in the basketball court - until we got busted by our V P one day ...