Which Electric Guitar to Buy??


New member
ok guys i gt below $700 to spent on an electric guitar.
I play mostly metal stuff. i don mind buyin secondhand guitar bt i donnoe wat guitar to choose? ibanez,ltd??
Can u guys recommend me wat guitar to get? i saw d ibanez rg 550 and rg 350ex on the classified? ar those guitar worth buyin?
if you like to shred, then get a jackson or ibanez s series. The playability is quite nice. other wise get an ibanez is a good choice. RG550 is good.
yeah ibanez is a good versatile guitar.jackson's perfect for metal though, but i think if you're planning to venture into other genres in the future, a ibanez will be better :)
ibanez and jackson are great players than it comes to high drive settings, shreddadelic licks and such, but for pure versatility i'd say a strat. HSS maybe if youre not too into the whole fender twang thing.

but for 700, you wont quite get a first hand S series, second hand ones as it is, are pretty rare around. perhaps RG's might be more forgiving to your pockets.

you can always upgrade the pickups on the fellow if youre not satisfied with the way they sound. but do that as a last resort when you REALLY know what you're going for.
ok tks for d recommendation.
Fitch im findin a FR guitar nt interested in fixed bridge sry.
em.. did any1 know KKv signature? Kerry King V singnature.. wit emg81 pickups.. i just wan to know the price..